Superfoods for Pregnancy

Marriott, Susannah (2011) Superfoods for Pregnancy. Carroll & Brown Publishers Ltd, London. ISBN 978-1904760795

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Abstract / Summary

Certain foods pack a nutritional punch, and can provide the optimal nutrients to nourish an expectant woman - particularly important when pregnancy side effects make eating almost anything difficult. By feasting on the foods that do her and her baby most good, a pregnant woman can ensure that her baby's brain and other organs, tissues and bones, develop healthily and that she maintains the strength and stamina to carry her baby to term and withstand the rigours of labour and delivery. Some foods also can be used to create safe and supportive products that can be applied to the skin, used to promote sleep and combat nausea and other side effects. Additionally, there is guidance on growing some beneficial vegetables and herbs in a small garden or containers, or gathering from the wild.

Item Type: Book
Additional Information: Published in Spanish (2012).
Uncontrolled Keywords: pregnancy ; nutrition
ISBN: 978-1904760795
Subjects: Education
Writing & Journalism
Depositing User: Susannah Marriott
Date Deposited: 11 Nov 2014 16:40
Last Modified: 13 Oct 2017 16:04


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