About the Repository

Falmouth University Research Repository (FURR) is an online showcase which stores, preserves, and shares all research material produced by Falmouth University's researchers, ensuring that it is available to the widest possible audience. It is an open resource, available globally, and where possible, items are freely available to view and download by anyone with an internet connection. 

As an Open Access research repository, FURR meets the requirements of many UK funding bodies (e.g., the UK research councils, the Wellcome Trust, and the European Research Council) to make the results of publicly-funded research openly available. 

FURR has utilised the JISC framework to source, select and decide upon the best fit, in both technical and operational terms, for the predominantly arts-based study at Falmouth University; the chosen repository solution provides the ability to capture practice and textual content in an equally efficient manner.   

You can contact the repository team at: repository@falmouth.ac.uk


Falmouth University staff and PhD students, and staff from FXPlus, can deposit their research in the repository by going to the FURR homepage and logging in. If you have any problems with 

depositing please contact repository@falmouth.ac.uk . Other external users can request an account should they feel that their work is relevant to FURR and the University. If you wish to request an account, please email repository@falmouth.ac.uk


Notice and Takedown Policy 

Should there be legitimate grounds for complaint about an item on FURR, please notify the University by email: repository@falmouth.ac.uk.

Reasons for withdrawal may include:

  • Infringement of intellectual property rights including copyright.
  • Breach of moral rights (e.g. right to be identified as the author).
  • Material that is defamatory or otherwise illegal or unlawful.


The university will acknowledge your email promptly, normally within two working days of receipt.

If repository staff believe that your request has legitimate grounds, we will remove the item from public view; the complaint will be investigated in full, which in may include seeking professional legal advice. The original depositor of the item will be informed about the nature of the complaint to give them an opportunity to counter if they wish.

Every effort will be made to ensure that the investigation is completed within ten working days. The final decision will be communicated to you and to the original depositor of the item. If the investigation finds in your favour, the items will be removed from the repository. However, it should be noted that a metadata record indicating that the item was previously stored in the repository will remain visible in perpetuity, with notice that it has been removed.