Items where Subject is "Computing & Data Science"

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Number of items at this level: 439.


Alexander, Jesse ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Global Guest Lectures. In: APHE Summer Conference: Photography and Collaboration, 12-14 July 2019, Coventry University.
[thumbnail of 19.07.11_APHE_jesse_alexander_global_guest_lectures.pdf]
[thumbnail of APHE Summer Conference 2019 programme]

Alshaigy, Bedour, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: and Zarb, Mark (2017) Towards Gender-Inclusive Programming Pedagogy. In: Computing Education Practice, 11th January, Durham, UK. (In Press)
[thumbnail of Gender-InclusiveProgrammingPedagogy.pdf]

Andrews, Simon ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Designing better hip protectors: a critical and contextual review examining their acceptance and adoption in older populations. The Design Journal, 22 (sup1). pp. 331-345. ISSN 1756-3062
[thumbnail of EAD2019 Full Paper_Final.pdf]

Andrews, Simon ORCID logoORCID: (2014) Enhancing student experience through online collaboration. In: 7th International Materials Education Symposium, 9th - 10th April 2014, Cambridge University.
[thumbnail of Materials Education Symposia_Poster_SMALL.pdf]

Andrews, Simon ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Sand chair: Improving access to Cornish beaches through sustainable design. In: Sustainable Innovation 2016: ‘Circular Economy’ Sustainable Innovation & Design, 7th - 8th Nov 2016, University for the Creative Arts, Epsom, Surrey. (Unpublished)
[thumbnail of Paper]

Antzoulatos, Nikolaos (2018) Triggers for Change: Realising a 'Design for Sustainable Behaviour' Web-tool for Influencing Sustainable Tourism in Cornwall. Doctoral thesis, University of the Arts London and Academy for Innovation and Research, Falmouth University. Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Antzoulatos-Nikos_Full-PhD-Thesis_JAN-2018_reduced.pdf]
[thumbnail of Webtool]

Arachchilage, Nalin, Love, Steve and Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: (2012) Designing a Mobile Game to Teach Conceptual Knowledge of Avoiding 'Phishing Attacks'. International Journal for e-Learning Security, 2 (1). pp. 127-132. ISSN 2046-4568
[thumbnail of [IJeLS2012] Designing a Mobile Game to Teach Conceptual Knowledge (ArachchilageLoveScott_OpenAccessMirror).pdf]
[thumbnail of Plain Text Bibliography]

Archer-Brown, Chris ORCID logoORCID: and Kietzmann, Jan (2018) STRATEGIC KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRISE SOCIAL MEDIA. Journal of Knowledge Management, Unknown. ISSN 1367-3270 (In Press)
[thumbnail of ESM Accepted Version Chris Archer-Brown.docx]

Archer-Brown, Chris ORCID logoORCID:, Marder, Ben, Calvard, Tom and Kowalski, Tina (2018) Hybrid social media:Employees' use of a boundary-spanning technology. New Technology, Work and Employment, 33 (1). pp. 74-93. ISSN 1468-005X
[thumbnail of Hybrid Social Media Open Access Version.pdf]

Arnold, Bram (2015) A note on Remoteness. In: Remote Performances in Nature & Architecture. Ashgate / Routledge, Farnham. ISBN 1472453921
[thumbnail of A Note on Remoteness.docx]

Assuncao, Carina ORCID logoORCID:, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: and Summerley, Rory ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Livestreaming Games and Parenthood: Exploring the Experience of Portuguese Parent Streamers. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1984. ISSN 1865-0929 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Parent Streamers Preprint]

Assuncao, Carina, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: and Summerley, Rory ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Towards a Framework for Assessing the Mechanisms that Contribute to Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviour in Esports. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Combating Toxicity, Hate, and Harassment in Online Games at the 2023 Foundations for Digital Games Conference, April 11, 2023, Lisbon, Portugal. (Submitted)
[thumbnail of Towards-a-Framework-for-Assessing-the-Mechanisms-that-Contribute-to-Prosocial-and-Antisocial-Behaviour-in-Esports(Author-Preprint).pdf]

Attlee, James and Whittaker, Emma (2017) The Cartographer’s Confession. [Media]


Baier, Hendrik, Sattaur, Adam, Powley, Edward J., Devlin, Sam, Rollason, Jeff and Cowling, Peter I. (2018) Emulating human play in a leading mobile card game. IEEE Transactions on Games, TBC. ISSN 2475-1510 (In Press)
[thumbnail of tog2018-emulating-human-play.pdf]

Barr, Matt, Murray, Lorraine, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Berry, Landon, de Wildt, Lars, Butt, Mahli-Ann, Ecenbarger, Charlie, Evans, Sarah and Dunne, Daniel (2016) Press On and Press Start: Navigating Postgraduate Research in Game Studies. In: Proceedings of the 1st Joint International Conference of the Digital Games Research Association and the Foundation for Digital Games, August 1, 2016 - August 6, 2016, Dundee, Scotland. (In Press)
[thumbnail of Pre-Review Conference Abstract]

Barr, Matthew, Berry, Landon, Butt, Mahli-Ann, Dunne, Daniel, Ecenbarger, Charlie, Evans, Sarah, Murray, Lorraine, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: and de Wildt, Lars (2016) Editorial: Conflicts. [Journal]
[thumbnail of press-start-3-2-conflict.pdf]

Barr, Matthew, Berry, Landon, Butt, Mahli-Ann, Dunne, Daniel, Ecenbarger, Charlie, Evans, Sarah, Murray, Lorraine, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: and de Wildt, Lars (2016) Editorial: Negotiating Gamer Identities. [Journal]
[thumbnail of press-start-3-1-negotiating-gamer-identities.pdf]

Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle (2016) Chaotics and the post-digital in Ciarán Carson’s Exchange Place. Textual Practice, 29. pp. 1-18. ISSN 1470-1308
[thumbnail of BarriosONeill_Carson Chaotics_2015 copy.pdf]

Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle (2011) Ciaran Carson's Belfast: Redrafting the Destroyed Native Space. Nordic Irish Studies, 10. pp. 15-33. ISSN 1602-124X
[thumbnail of Ciaran Carson's Belfast_NIS 10_2011.doc]

Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle (2015) Social networks and the energy landscape: Toward a dynamic communications model. In: Energy Landscapes: Perception, Planning, Participation, Power, September 16-18, 2015, Dresden, Germany.

Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle (2019) Teaching Ciarán Carson: Classroom Approaches to the Postdigital, Conflict-Zone Text. Pedagogy, 19 (3). pp. 483-507. ISSN 1531-4200
[thumbnail of Teaching+Ciaran+Carson_BarriosONeill.pdf]

Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle (2018) Wild Listening: Ecology of a Science Podcast. In: Podcasting: New Aural Cultures and Digital Media. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 147-172. ISBN 978-3-319-90056-8
[thumbnail of Wild Listening_Ecology of a Science Podcast.docx]

Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle and Collins, Michael (2018) At Home with the Weird: Dark Eco-Discourse in Tanis and Welcome to Night Vale. Revenant: Critical and Creative Studies of the Supernatural, 3. ISSN ISSN 2397-8791
[thumbnail of At Home with the Weird_BarriosONeill_Collins.doc]

Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle and Garcia Rangel, Sherezade ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Playing Plague: Disease Narrative and the Need for Innovative Bio-Ontological Games. Games and Culture, na. ISSN 1555-4120 (Submitted) Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Playing Plague: Disease Narrative and the Need for Innovative Bio-Ontological Games]

Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle and Heholt, Ruth ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Revenant: Critical and Creative Studies of the Supernatural. Special Issue: CROSS-PLATFORM STUDIES OF SONIC AUDIO AND HORROR. [Journal]
[thumbnail of Editors-Introduction.pdf]

Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle and Hook, Alan (2016) Future Energy Networks and the Role of Interactive Gaming as Simulation. Futures, 81. pp. 119-129. ISSN 0016-3287
[thumbnail of DBONeill and AHook_2015_Future Energy Networks_FINAL.pdf]

Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle and Hook, Alan (2021) Invisible Belfast: Flat Ontologies and Remediations of the Post-Conflict City. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 27 (1). pp. 212-228. ISSN 1748-7382
[thumbnail of barriosoneill and hook_invisible belfast.pdf]

Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle and Hook, Alan (2012) Jumping through the layers: alternate reality games and literature. In: Using Games to Enhance Learning and Teaching: A Beginner’s Guide. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 178-190. ISBN 0415897726 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Jumping through the layers: alternate reality games and literature]

Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle and Hook, Alan (2011) [in]visible belfast. [Exhibition]
[thumbnail of Summary of exhibition/game]
[thumbnail of Supplemental material]

Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle and Schuitema, Geertje (2016) Online engagement for sustainable energy projects. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 54. pp. 1611-1621. ISSN 1364-0321
[thumbnail of DBONeill_Schuitema_2015_pdf copy.pdf]

Barry, Kaya, Baxter, Tess, Bennett, Bruce, Booker, Clare, Bowers, Natalie, Büscher, Monika, Chapman, Owen, Collier, Mike, Cunningham, Jocelyn, Lujan Escalante, Malé, Ferguson, Nick, Guelton, Bernard, Merrington, Peter, Ntaousani, Elia, Jungnickel, Kat, Kesselring, Sven, Lopez, Carlos, Pollastri, Serena, Pugh, Nikki, Rose, Emma, Sawchuk, Kim, Sheller, Mimi, Smith, Richard, Southern, Jen, Szerszynski, Bron, Syng Tan, Kai, O Keeffe, Linda, Thulin, Sam, Whittaker, Emma and Wilson, Louise Ann (2018) 2018: Art & Mobilities Network Inaugural Symposium Instant Journal (Peter Scott Gallery). [Project]
[thumbnail of 2018: Art & Mobilities Network Inaugural Symposium Instant Journal (Peter Scott Gallery). Lancaster University.]

Barwick, Tom (2014) RE-Thinking the Mystery of Glitch. Varoom, 16 (27). pp. 42-46. ISSN 1750-483X
[thumbnail of This article is a shorter version of my Paper, with additional content.]

Barwick, Tom (2014) She's Lost Control. In: 3rd International Illustration Symposium: Interpretation., September 2014, University of The Arts Bournemouth.
[thumbnail of She' Lost Control: Paper formed part of the Varoom Lab 3rd International Illustration Conference]

Bennett, Georgie ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Drawing from Virtual Travel: Regret, Danger, and Magic. Journal of Illustration, 10 (2). pp. 257-277. ISSN 2052-0204 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of An article exploring drawing from virtual travel]

Birch, Simon ORCID logoORCID: (2014) Transmission. [Performance] Item not available from this repository.

Biscoe, Ian (2021) X Reality Networked Performance: Message Based Distributed Systems For Controlling And Presenting Multiple Realities. Doctoral thesis, Falmouth University / University of the Arts London.
[thumbnail of X Reality Networked Performance - PhD Thesis - Ian Biscoe - September 2019.pdf]

Blight, Laura ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Invisible Worlds: The Interplay of Photography, Death, and Commemoration. In: DeathXDesignXCulture, 4th-6th September 2024, Falmouth University. (Unpublished)
[thumbnail of Conference presentation text]
[thumbnail of Image slideshow to accompany text]

Blonska, Agnieszka ORCID logoORCID:, Cannell, Tori, Clarke, Ciaran, Williams, Ellie and Carey, Seamas (2024) Through My Eyes. [Performance]
[thumbnail of 'Through My Eyes' photo: Steve Tanner]
[thumbnail of 'Through My Eyes' photo: Steve Tanner]

Blonska, Agnieszka ORCID logoORCID:, Abbott, Vicky, Fletcher, Jennifer, Pharo, Joshua, Macara, Julie, Tonietto, Claud, Bunker, Charlie, King, Louis, Hooper, Pete, Scarle, James, Meyrick, Ollie, Monk, Denzil ORCID logoORCID:, Hodsdon, Laura ORCID logoORCID:, Frears, Lucy, Vautier, Gabby, Megaw, Neal and Tanner, Steve (2023) Re:Voice. [Performance]
[thumbnail of Re:Voice, Tate St. Ives, April 2023]
[thumbnail of Re:Voice, Tate St. Ives, April 2023]

Boduszek, Daniel, Debowska, Agata, Jones, Adele, Ma, Minhua ORCID logoORCID:, Smith, David, Willmott, Dominic, Jemmott, Ena and Da Breo, Hazel (2019) Prosocial video game as an intimate partner violence prevention tool among youth: A randomised controlled trial. Computers in Human Behavior, 93. pp. 260-266. ISSN 0747-5632
[thumbnail of nonei3_Computers in Human Behavior_2018.pdf]

Borne, Greg ORCID logoORCID: (2024) New Technology Can Support Natural Capital Valuation. Land Journal, N/A. ISSN 1754-9108
[thumbnail of Article]

Bossey, Adrian ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Gatekeeper perceptions on adopting environmentally sound Information and Communication Technology enhanced live performances to improve the sustainability of music festivals. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 13. ISSN 1758-2954
[thumbnail of Adrian Bossey IJFEM Mar 22.PDF]

Braddock-Clarke, Sarah ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Clothing + Embedded Technology: Past Challenges, Future Opportunities Developments in the Design of Smart Clothing and Wearable Technology. In: Smart Clothes and Wearable Technology (Second Edition). Second Edition . Elsevier, Amsterdam, Cambridge, and London. ISBN ISBN: 9780128195260 (print). ISBN: 9780128205778 (online). Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of book cover]
[thumbnail of Clothing and Embedded Technology - Abstract - SEBC.pdf]

Branch, James ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Teaching and Learning Beyond Knowledge and Skills in User Experience (UX) Design. In: School of Communication Research Seminar Series 2023-24, Falmouth University. (Unpublished)
[thumbnail of Teaching and learning in User Experience (UX) Design]

Branch, James ORCID logoORCID:, Parker, Chris ORCID logoORCID: and Evans, Mark ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Do UX design courses meet industry’s needs? Analysing UX degrees and job adverts. The Design Journal, 24 (4). ISSN 1756-3062 (In Press)
[thumbnail of Journal Article]

Brown, Douglas ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Adaptive Harmonics - Star Trek's Universe and Galaxy of Games. In: The Star Trek Universe: Franchising the Final Frontier. Chapter 12 . Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland, USA, pp. 133-145. ISBN 978-1-4422-4985-1
[thumbnail of Adaptive harmonics - Star Trek and Games REV 2 - Chicago.pdf]

Brown, Douglas ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Book Review: Game Play by Paul Booth. Intensities, 1 (8). ISSN 1471-5031
[thumbnail of Intensities Review - Game Play by Paul Booth.docx]

Brown, Douglas ORCID logoORCID: (2012) Game-Playing-Role. Doctoral thesis, Brunel University.
[thumbnail of PhD Thesis]

Brown, Douglas ORCID logoORCID: (2020) Rerolling Boardgames. Studies in Gaming . Mcfarland and Company, Jefferson, North Carolina. ISBN 978-1-4766-7079-9 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of rerolling-boardgames.pdf]

Brown, Douglas ORCID logoORCID: (2019) To Disney Infinity and Beyond - Star Wars Videogames Before and After the Lucasarts Acquisition. In: Disney’s Star wars: Forces of Production and Promotion. University of Iowa Press, Iowa, USA, pp. 123-135. ISBN 9781609386436
[thumbnail of To Disney Infinity and Beyond]

Brown, Katrina ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Translucent surface/Quiet body, redistributed. Journal for Artistic Research JAR, 2019 (18). ISSN 2235-0225
[thumbnail of Screenshot online article]
[thumbnail of Screenshot online article]

Brown, Richard (2016) IMorphia: An Embodied Performance System. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2016. pp. 3820-3823. ISSN 978-1-4503-4082-3
[thumbnail of CHI2016: IMorphia: Extended Abstract]

Brown, Richard (2014) iMORPHIA: A PROJECTIVE PERFORMANCE SYSTEM. In: Fascinate, 27-31 August 2014, Falmouth.
[thumbnail of Fascinate conference paper: iMorphia - a projective performance system]


Carvalho, Lucila and Saunders, Rob (2018) Coding, Designing and Networking: Fostering Learning Through Social Connections. Research in Learning Technology, 26. pp. 1-18. ISSN 2156-7069
[thumbnail of Coding, Designing and Networking: Fostering Learning Through Social Connections]

Casas Roma, Joan (2019) The Good, the Bad and the Robot: Projecting Attitudes into A.I. International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence, 1. ISSN (Not published yet)
[thumbnail of Casas-Roma - The Good, the Bad and the Robot.pdf]

Casas Roma, Joan and Arnedo-Moreno, Joan (2019) Categorizing Morality Systems Through the Lens of Fallout. In: DiGRA '19 - Proceedings of the 2019 DiGRA International Conference: Game, Play and the Emerging Ludo-Mix, 6-10 August 2019, Kyoto.
[thumbnail of Casas-Roma, Arnedo-Moreno - Categorizing Morality Systems through the Lens of Fallout.pdf]

Casas Roma, Joan and Arnedo-Moreno, Joan (2019) From Games to Moral Agents: Towards a Model for Moral Actions. In: Artificial Intelligence Research and Development. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 1 . IOS Press, Netherlands, pp. 19-28. ISBN 978-1-64368-015-6
[thumbnail of Casas-Roma and Arnedo-Moreno - From Games to Moral Agents.pdf]

Casas Roma, Joan, Huertas, Antonia and Rodriguez, M. Elena (2020) The Logic of Imaginary Scenarios. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 28 (3). pp. 363-388. ISSN 1368-9894
[thumbnail of Casas-Roma, Huertas, Rodriguez - The Logic of Imaginary Scenarios.pdf]

Casas Roma, Joan, Huertas, Antonia and Rodríguez, M. Elena (2019) The Logic of Imagination Acts. Erkenntnis, Online. p. 1. ISSN 0165-0106
[thumbnail of The_Logic_of_Imagination_Acts__AAM_.pdf]

Casas Roma, Joan, Nelson, Mark, Arnedo-Moreno, Joan, Gaudl, Swen and Saunders, Rob (2019) Towards Simulated Morality Systems: Role-Playing Games as Artificial Societies. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1: ICAART. SciTePress Digital Library, Online, pp. 244-251. ISBN 978-989-758-350-6
[thumbnail of RPGMoralitySystems_ICAART18.pdf]

Casas Roma, Joan, Rodriguez, M. Elena and Huertas, Antonia (2019) A Common Frame for Formal Imagination. Minds and Machines, Online. pp. 1-32. ISSN 0924-6495
[thumbnail of REVIEW_A_Common_Frame_for_Formal_Imagination_FINAL.pdf]

Cassas-Roma, Joan, Nelson, Mark, Arnedo-Moreno, Joan, Gaudl, Swen and Saunders, Rob (2019) Towards Morally Autonomous NPCs: The Case of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. In: Artificial Intelligence and Simulated Behaviour, 16th - 18th April, 2019, Falmouth.
[thumbnail of Casas-Roma et al - Towards Enhancing NPCs Morality.pdf]

Challenor, Jennifer and Ma, Minhua ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Augmented Reality in Holocaust museums and memorials. In: Springer Handbook of Augmented Reality. Springer, UK. ISBN 978-3-030-67821-0 (In Press) Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of 3_ARin+Holocaust+museums+and+memorials.pdf]

Challenor, Jennifer and Ma, Minhua ORCID logoORCID: (2019) A Review of Augmented Reality Applications for History Education and Heritage Visualisation. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 3 (2). ISSN 2414-4088
[thumbnail of mti-03-00039.pdf]

Chan, Angela, Willis, Peter, Georgiou, Marina, Tyhurst, Rosa, Su, Cui ORCID logoORCID:, Beber, Emily, Johnson, Erin, Shellenberger, Herb, Bains, Harman, Lloyd, Kathryn and Gillick, Liam (2017) Hitozine 2: The World's Only Hito Steyerl Fanzine. [Media]

Chapman, Kit ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Vampire's Kiss source code. [Media] (In Press) Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Code for Vampire's Kiss]

Charnley, John, Colton, Simon, Llano, Teresa and Corneli, Joseph (2016) The FloWr Online Platform Automated Programming and Computational Creativity as a Service. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Creativity, France.
[thumbnail of charnley_iccc2016.pdf]

Christoforidou, Maria ORCID logoORCID:, Ridout, Lizzie ORCID logoORCID: and Star, Dion (2016) Various Writings: CAST Residency. In: Various Writings: CAST Residency, 6-11th February 2017, CAST, Helston, Cornwall, UK.
[thumbnail of VariousWritingsCastResidency © Christoforidou-Ridout-Star.pdf]

Christoforidou, Maria ORCID logoORCID:, Ridout, Lizzie ORCID logoORCID: and Star, Dion (2017) Various Writings: Chapter One. In: Please Specify! The Society of Artistic Research's annual conference, 28/29 April 2017, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland.
[thumbnail of SAR FINAL ABSTRACT – Various Writings Chapter One © Christoforidou-Ridout-Star.pdf]

Christoforidou, Maria ORCID logoORCID:, Ridout, Lizzie ORCID logoORCID: and Star, Dion (2017) Various Writings: Chapter Two. In: MIX 2017: Writing Digital, 10-12th July 2017, Bath Spa University, Newton Park Campus.
[thumbnail of Proposal for 20 minute presentation at MIX2017]

Clark, Bryan (2017) Communicating Mental Wellbeing; a design and science collaboration to help reduce the stigma of one of societies critical health challenges. [Exhibition]
[thumbnail of Example exhibition panel]
[thumbnail of Example exhibition panel]

Clarke, Ciaran ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Reviver Voce: The Voice, Technology, and Death. Doctoral thesis, Falmouth University.
[thumbnail of Reviver Voce - Introduction - Side A] [thumbnail of Reviver Voce - Introduction - Side B]

Clarke, Ciaran ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Reviver Voce: The Voice, Technology, and Death - Accompanying Media Artefacts. [Media] (Unpublished)
[thumbnail of Barbara Altounyan - Interview for Reviver Voce project] [thumbnail of Home video: Ballysally Road]

Cleverly, Jason (2014) The Enlightened Eye. [Artwork]
[thumbnail of Enlightened Eye press release.pdf]

Cokes, Lucy ORCID logoORCID: (2024) The CACHE lectures: Changing Behaviour for Good. In: The Leo Reader. Leo Reader, United Kingdom, pp. 17-27. ISBN N/A
[thumbnail of Script for Online Lecture] [thumbnail of Slides from presentation]

Colton, Simon (2016) I Create, You Destroy installation. [Exhibition] Item not available from this repository.

Colton, Simon, Llano, Teresa, Hepworth, Rose, Charnley, John, Gale, Cat, Baron, Archie, Pachet, Francois, Roy, Pierre, Gervas, Pablo, Collins, Nick, Sturm, Bob, Weyde, Tilde, Wolff, Daniel and Lloyd, John (2016) The Beyond the Fence Musical and Computer Says Show Documentary. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Creativity, France.
[thumbnail of colton_iccc2016.pdf]

Colton, Simon, Nelson, Mark, Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Gaudl, Swen, Saunders, Rob, Perez Ferrer, Blanca, Ivey, Peter and Cook, Michael (2018) A Parameter-Space Design Methodology for Casual Creators. In: International Conference on Computational Creativity, 25-29 Jun 2018, Salamanca, Spain. Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of ParameterDesign_ICCC18.pdf]
[thumbnail of Version for REF]

Colton, Simon, Nelson, Mark, Saunders, Rob, Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Gaudl, Swen and Cook, Michael (2016) Towards a computational reading of emergence in experimental game design. In: Computational Creativity and Games Workshop, 27 June 2016, Paris, France.
[thumbnail of GamikaEmergence_CCGW16.pdf]

Colton, Simon, Pease, Alison, Corneli, Joe, Cook, Michaek, Hepworth, Rose and Ventura, Dan (2014) Stakeholder Groups in Computational Creativity Research and Practice. In: Computational Creativity Research: Towards Creative Machines. Atlantis Press, Book. ISBN 978-94-6239-084-3
[thumbnail of colton_ccchapter15.pdf]

Colton, Simon, Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID: and Cook, Michael (2018) Investigating and automating the creative act of software engineering. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Creativity. Association for Computational Creativity (ACC), Online, pp. 224-231. ISBN 978-989-54160-0-4
[thumbnail of iccc2018_position.pdf]

Comley, Stephanie (2020) Games-based Techniques and Collaborative Learning Between Arts Students in Higher Education. Doctoral thesis, University of the Arts London, Falmouth University.
[thumbnail of COMLEY, S_final thesis.pdf]

Cook, Michael (2015) AI-based game design patterns. In: Foundations of Digital Games 2015, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.
[thumbnail of AI-based game design patterns]

Cook, Michael (2014) ANGELINA� "The AI That Makes Videogames". UNSPECIFIED.
[thumbnail of egx2014.pdf]

Cook, Michael (2015) Can Computers Be Feminists? UNSPECIFIED.
[thumbnail of differentgames.pdf]

Cook, Michael (2016) The Digital Muse - Being Creative in the Age of Generativity. UNSPECIFIED.
[thumbnail of mikecook-nslive-final.pdf]

Cook, Michael (2016) Don't Be Human. UNSPECIFIED.
[thumbnail of botsummit.pdf]

Cook, Michael (2016) Draft-Analysis of the Ancients: Predicting Draft Picks in DotA 2 Using Machine Learning. In: Experimental AI in Games 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA.
[thumbnail of Workshop Paper]

Cook, Michael (2015) Formalizing Non-Formalism: Breaking the Rules of Automated Game Design. In: Foundations of Digital Games 2015, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.
[thumbnail of Paper]

Cook, Michael (2014) Generate Everything. UNSPECIFIED.
[thumbnail of indievelopment.pdf]

Cook, Michael (2014) The Lost Art Of Dreaming. UNSPECIFIED.
[thumbnail of lostart.pdf]

Cook, Michael (2015) Triple-AI: How Artificial Intelligence Will Run The Games Industry. UNSPECIFIED.
[thumbnail of rezzed2015.pdf]

Cook, Michael (2016) We've Run Out of Numbers - Procedural Generation After No Man's Sky. UNSPECIFIED.
[thumbnail of EGX2016.pdf]

Cook, Michael and Colton, Simon (2018) Inferring Design Constraints From Game Ruleset Analysis. In: IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Games, August 14th-17th 2018, Maastricht, Netherlands.
[thumbnail of bare_conf.pdf]

Cook, Michael and Colton, Simon (2018) Neighbouring Communities: Interaction, Lessons and Opportunities. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2018, Salamanca, Spain, June 25-29, 2018. Association for Computational Creativity (ACC), Online, pp. 256-263. ISBN 978-989-54160-0-4 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of ICCC 2018 Paper]
[thumbnail of Version for REF]

Cook, Michael and Colton, Simon (2018) Redesigning Computationally Creative Systems for Continuous Creation. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC 2018, Salamanca, Spain, June 25-29, 2018. Association for Computational Creativity (ACC), Online, pp. 32-39. ISBN 978-989-54160-0-4 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of ICCC 2018 - Redesigning Computationally Creative Systems for Continuous Creation]
[thumbnail of Version for the REF]

Cook, Michael, Gow, Jeremy and Colton, Simon (2016) Danesh: Helping Bridge The Gap Between Procedural Generators and Their Output. In: Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Procedural Content Generation at FDG, UK.
[thumbnail of Danesh_PCG16.pdf]

Cook, Michael, Gow, Jeremy and Colton, Simon (2017) Towards the Automatic Optimisation of Procedural Content Generators. 2016 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), 2016. pp. 270-277. ISSN 2325-4289
[thumbnail of Danesh_CIG16.pdf]

Coulter-Smith, Liz ORCID logoORCID: (2022) AI Economy and Higher Education. In: In Digital Transformation and Disruption of Higher Education. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, pp. 391-404. ISBN 9781108979146
[thumbnail of CHAPTER-FIN-PROOF-11-12-21a.pdf]

Cowling, Peter I, Devlin, Sam, Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Whitehouse, Daniel and Rollason, Jeff (2015) Player preference and style in a leading mobile card game. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, 7 (3). pp. 233-242. ISSN 1943-068X
[thumbnail of tciaig_spades_data.pdf]


Deepres, Ravi and Dutheil, Evy ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Immersive Reflections on Future Living. In: Sustainable Innovation 2023, 22/03/24,
[thumbnail of Spatial Cartography -  Mapping practice of growing food with energy/resource flow in pressurised environment –  inspired by contemporary practice :Urban farm roof top, Hydroponic container, Underground Growing]
[thumbnail of Deconstructive and Cognitive visual literature maps inspired by MaddAddam - Cartographical configurations Reference : M. Atwood, M. Foucault, Esther Muñoz-González and Wael Mustafa]

Devanny, David and Fentham, Andrew (2018) Translating Gesture from Sculpture to Text. Interfaces: Image, Texte, Langage, 39. ISSN N/A
[thumbnail of Gesture Paper.pdf]

Di Nicola, Sam ORCID logoORCID:, Assuncao, Carina ORCID logoORCID: and Swettenham, Laura (2024) The Overrepresentation of Cisgender Men in Esports Research. International Journal of Esports, 1 (1). ISSN 2634-1069
[thumbnail of overrepresentation of men.pdf]

Downing, Niamh, Llinares, Dario and Arnold, Sarah (2014) Cosmographies. [Conference]
[thumbnail of Conference Programme]

Downing, Niamh, Maxwell, Deborah, Edwards, Liz and Pillatt, Toby (2016) Stories in a Beespoon: Exploring Future Folklore through Design. Proceedings of DRS2016: Design + Research + Society - Future-Focused Thinking, 9. pp. 3485-3502. ISSN 2398-3132
[thumbnail of 503] [thumbnail of beespoon.pdf]

Dutheil, Evy ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Eco-Pebble. [Artwork]
[thumbnail of Eco-Pebble]
[thumbnail of Eco-Pebble at Ground Control - Design Market « Jouer, bouger, bricoler, recycler » by Syctom and Thema]


Emanuele, Ella ORCID logoORCID: (2024) dAnCing LiNes. In: C&C '24: Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Creativity & Cognition. ACM, US, pp. 614-618. ISBN C&C '24: Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Creativity & Cognition
[thumbnail of dAnCing LiNes for Creativity & Cognition 2024]

Ensslin, Astrid, Balteiro, Isabel and Finnegan, John ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Bad language and Bro-up Cooperation in Co-sit gaming. In: Approaches to Videogame Discourse Lexis, Interaction, Textuality. Bloomsbury, UK. ISBN 9781501338465
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Ericson, Barbara, Pearce, Janice, Rodger, Susan, Csizmadia, Andrew, Garcia, Rita, Gutierrez, Francisco, Liaskos, Konstantinos, Padiyath, Aadarsh, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Smith, David, Warriem, Jayakrishnan and Bernuy, Angela (2023) Multi-Institutional Multi-National Studies of Parsons Problems. In: Proceedings of the 2023 Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, 0-0. ISBN 979-8-4007-0139-9 (Submitted)
[thumbnail of ITiCSE_2023_WorkingGroup_Parsons_Report.pdf]


Farmer, Paul ORCID logoORCID: (2023) After the Miners' Strike. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge. ISBN 978-1-80064-912-5
[thumbnail of After the Miner's Strike book]

Farmer, Paul (2020) Diary in the Plague Year: Roaming the lockdown in images and words in a year like no other. Independent Publishing Network, Stithians, Cornwall. ISBN 978-1-83853-382-3
[thumbnail of Book]

Finnegan, John ORCID logoORCID: (2017) Beyond the page: Crowdsourcing as a case study for digital screenwriting techniques. New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film, 15 (2). pp. 209-228. ISSN 14742756 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of NC 15.2_1_art_Finnegan.pdf]
[thumbnail of TheScriptDept_Portfolio.pptx]

Fletcher, Jerome (2016) Digital Writing as Speech Act. In: Wortwechsel - Ecrire en dialoguant - Writing as Dialogue, 24th - 26th November 2016, University of the Arts, Bern. Biel/Bienne. Switzerland.
[thumbnail of Digital Writing as Speech Act.docx]

Fletcher, Jerome (2014) Motif. In: Generative Constraints 2014: Motif, 14th November 2014, Centre for Creative Collaboration, London. (Unpublished)
[thumbnail of Preliminary paper to accompany a performance]

Fletcher, Jerome (2015) Performative Modelling of Digital Writing. In: Digital Literary Studies, May 14th/15th 2015, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
[thumbnail of Coimbra.paper.docx]

Fletcher, Jerome (2015) Performing Digital literature. Revista Carácteres, Volume 4 (No. 2). pp. 18-42. ISSN 2254-4496
[thumbnail of Caracteresvol4n2noviembre2015-performingdigital.pdf]

Fletcher, Jerome (2016) Wreading the digital text. In: Posthumain et subjectivités digitales, 24th - 26th June 2016, Cerisy la Salle Research Centre, France.
[thumbnail of Paper1.docx]

Fox, Neil ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Collection-making: Podcasting as a contemporary curation practice. In: MeCCSA 2020, 8-10 January 2020, University of Brighton.
[thumbnail of Pod Paper FINAL.pptx] [thumbnail of Final Paper NF.pdf]

Fox, Neil ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Interview with Richard Herring. In: Podcasting: New Aural Cultures and Digital Media. Palgrave Macmillan,, pp. 299-308. ISBN 978-3-319-90055-1
[thumbnail of Interview with podcaster Richard Herring]

Fox, Neil ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Podcasting: New Aural Cultures and Digital Media. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-3-319-90055-1 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of 10.1007_978-3-319-90056-8.pdf]

Fox, Neil ORCID logoORCID: (2015) We Made This Together: how Awesome; I Fuckin' Shot That! Foresaw Changes in the Live Concert Experience brought about by Social Media and Digital Technology. In: The Arena Concert: Music, Media and Mass Entertainment. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 207-218. ISBN 978-1-6289-2555-5 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Neil Fox - Chapter 22.docx]

Fox, Neil ORCID logoORCID: and Llinares, Dario (2016) Knowing Sounds: Podcasting As Academic Practice. Journal Of Media Practice, Disruptive Media Special Edition. ISSN 2040-0926
[thumbnail of Episode 32_ Knowing Sounds_ Podcasting as Academic Practice.mp3]

Frantzén, Marcus, Ng, Amos H.C. and Moore, Philip (2011) A simulation-based scheduling system for real-time optimization and decision making support. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 27 (4). pp. 696-705. ISSN 07365845 Item not available from this repository.

Frears, Lucy ORCID logoORCID: (2020) Deep Map App Reference Tool. Living Maps Network Journal, 9 (Nov 20). ISSN 9781538147191
[thumbnail of LMR9DeepMapAppReferenceTool.pdf]
[thumbnail of LFLMJ_deepMap_ReferenceTool.pdf]

Frears, Lucy ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Giving everyone a voice – creating locative media & audio walks. In: Symposium: Re:voicing Cultural Landscapes Narrative and Non-narrative traditions across media, part of: Heritage, Identity and Inclusivity Leeuwarden Summer School in collaboration with the Heritage Lab, 3rd-7th July 2023, Leeuwarden, the Netherlands.
[thumbnail of AppAudiowalks_NL23.pdf]

Frears, Lucy (2016) Unlocking Landscapes Using Locative Media. Doctoral thesis, University of Arts London in partnership with Falmouth University.
[thumbnail of LucyFrears_PhDThesis_Complete_Colour_7Feb17.pdf]


Garcia Rangel, Dr Sherezade ORCID logoORCID: (2017) Emerging issues in anticoagulation therapy: Examining patient choice, education and adherence. Discussion Paper. LumiraDx Care Solutions, Tolvaddon, Cornwall.
[thumbnail of Collaborative paper on the emerging issues on anticoagulation therapy, written with UK experts and key opinion leaders about the need for education, the possibilities of self-care technologies and the need for sharing best practice.]

Gaudl, Swen (2017) Agile Behaviour Design: A Design Approach for Structuring Game Characters and Interactions. In: ICIDS 2017: Authoring for Interactive Storytelling, Madeira, Portugal.
[thumbnail of ICIDS2017-AIS-Gaudl.pdf]

Gaudl, Swen (2017) A Genetic Programming Framework for 2D Platform AI. In: AISB 2017: AI & Games Symposium, 19-21/4/2017, Bath, UK.
[thumbnail of Workshop paper]

Gaudl, Swen (2015) Stealthier POSH. [Media]
[thumbnail of Android Game]

Gaudl, Swen, Nelson, Mark, Colton, Simon, Saunders, Rob, Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Ivey, Peter, Perez Ferrer, Blanca and Cook, Michael (2017) Exploring Novel Game Spaces with Fluidic Games. In: AISB 2017: AI & Games Symposium, 19-21/4/2017, Bath, UK. (In Press)
[thumbnail of workshop paper]

Gaudl, Swen, Nelson, Mark, Colton, Simon, Saunders, Rob, Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Perez Ferrer, Blanca, Ivey, Peter and Cook, Michael (2018) Rapid game jams with fluidic games: A user study & design methodology. Entertainment Computing, 27. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1875-9521
[thumbnail of RapidGameJams_EntCom18.pdf]

Geelhoed, Erik ORCID logoORCID: and Biscoe, Ian (2014) Getting Closer – The Digital Tempest. In: The Co-Creation, distributed performances and alternative content for the big screen workshop, 10 – 11 November 2014, Barcelona. (Unpublished)
[thumbnail of barcelona-DigitalTempest.pdf]

Geelhoed, Erik ORCID logoORCID: and Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2017) Games Research Opportunities and Research Excellence in Cornwall and the EU (project): GRO / ERA. [Project] (Unpublished) Item not available from this repository.

Geelhoed, Erik ORCID logoORCID:, Singh-Barmi, Kuldip, Biscoe, Ian, Cesar, Pablo, Jansen, Jack, Wang, Chen and Kaiser, Rene (2016) Co-Present and Remote Audience Experiences: Intensity and Cohesion. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016. pp. 1-34. ISSN 1380-7501
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Gemeinboeck, Petra and Saunders, Rob (2014) Accomplice. [Exhibition] Item availability may be restricted.
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Gemeinboeck, Petra and Saunders, Rob (2014) Accomplice. [Exhibition]

Gemeinboeck, Petra and Saunders, Rob (2014) Accomplice: Creative Robotics and Embodied Computational Creativity. In: 50th Anniversary Convention of the Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour Symposium (AISB'50), 1-4 April 2014, Goldsmiths, London. Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of AISB50-S4-Saunders-paper.pdf]

Gemeinboeck, Petra and Saunders, Rob (2015) The Performance of Creative Machines. In: Cultural Robotics. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence . Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 159-172. ISBN 978-3-319-42944-1 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Gemeinboeck-Saunders_FINAL.pdf]

Gemeinboeck, Petra and Saunders, Rob (2015) Towards Socializing Non-anthropomorphic Robots By Harnessing Dancers’ Kinesthetic Awareness. In: Cultural Robotics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 85-97. ISBN 978-3-319-42944-1 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of gemeinboeck-saunders.pdf]

Gerardou, Flor Silvestre ORCID logoORCID:, Michel-Villarreal, Rosario, Vilalta-Perdomo, Eliseo, Salinas-Navarro, David Ernesto and Thierry-Aguilera, Ricardo (2023) Challenges and Opportunities of Generative AI for Higher Education as Explained by ChatGPT. Education Sciences, 13 (9). p. 856. ISSN 2227-7102
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Gilbert, Cole, McDonald, Brian ORCID logoORCID: and Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Exploring the Relationship between Debugging Self-Efficacy and CASE Tools for Novice Troubleshooting. In: UKICER 2024, University of Machester, Oxford Rd, Manchester M13 9PL, UK.
[thumbnail of Conference Paper]

Grace, Kazjon, Gero, John and Saunders, Rob (2015) Interpretation-driven mapping: A framework for conducting search and re-representation in parallel for computational analogy in design. AI EDAM, 2015 (May). pp. 185-201. ISSN 0890-0604
[thumbnail of Preprint]

Guckelsberger, Christian, Salge, Christophe and Colton, Simon (2017) Addressing the “Why?” in Computational Creativity: A Non-Anthropocentric, Minimal Model of Intentional Creative Agency. In: International Conference on Computational Creativity, Georgia Tech, USA.
[thumbnail of ICCC-17_paper_37.pdf]

Guckelsberger, Christian, Salge, Christophe, Saunders, Rob and Colton, Simon (2016) Supportive and Antagonistic Behaviour in Distributed Computational Creativity via Coupled Empowerment Maximisation. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Creativity, France.
[thumbnail of guckelsberger_iccc2016.pdf]

Guntuku, Sharath Chandra, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Ghinea, Gheorghita and Lin, Weisi (2016) Personality, Culture, and System Factors - Impact on Affective Response to Multimedia. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
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Guntuku, Sharath Chandra, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Huan, Yang, Ghinea, Gheorghita and Lin, Weisi (2015) The CP-QAE-I: A Video Dataset for Exploring the Effects of Personality and Culture on Perceived Quality and Affect in Multimedia. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience, May 26-29, 2015, Costa Navarino, Messinia, Greece.
[thumbnail of Qomex2015_cameraready.pdf]
[thumbnail of Plain Text Bibliography]

Guntuku, Sharath Chandra, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Lin, Weisi and Ghinea, Gheorghita (2015) Modelling The Influence of Personality and Culture on Affect and Enjoyment in Multimedia. In: Proceedings of the 6th Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) Conference, September 21-24, 2015, Xi'an, China.
[thumbnail of ACII2015_submission_31.pdf]
[thumbnail of Plain Text Bibliography]


HAMMADY, Ramy, Ma, Minhua ORCID logoORCID: and STRATHEARN, Carl (2020) Ambient Information Visualisation and Visitors' Technology Acceptance of Mixed Reality in Museums. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 13 (2). ISSN 1556-4673 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of 3359590.pdf] [thumbnail of Ambient Information Visualisation and Visitors' Technology Acceptance of Mixed Reality in Museums - Revise and resubmit.pdf]

Hall, John and Prior, David ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Towards Song: Reshaping Spoken Lyric. Performance Research, 23 (2). pp. 100-106. ISSN 1352-8165
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Hammady, Ramy and Ma, Minhua ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Interactive Mixed Reality Technology for Boosting the Level of Museum Engagement. In: Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality . Springer, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021, pp. 77-91. ISBN 978-3-030-68086-2 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of 4_Interactive_MR_Tech4BoostingTheLevelOfMuseumEngagement.pdf]

Hammady, Ramy, Ma, Minhua ORCID logoORCID:, AL-Kalha, Ziad and Strathearn, Carl (2021) A framework for constructing and evaluating the role of MR as a holographic virtual guide in museums. Virtual Reality, N/A. ISSN N/A
[thumbnail of 2_A_Framework_for_Constructing_and_Evaluating_the_Ro.pdf]

Hillman, John (2016) Annotating the World. In: Kultur und Informatik: Augmented Reality. VWH, Glückstadt, pp. 55-64. ISBN 978-3-86488-103-9
[thumbnail of index.html_p=1065] [thumbnail of titelei_inhalt_kui_2016.pdf]

Hilmi, Adem ORCID logoORCID: (2020) 88-108. [Exhibition]
[thumbnail of Interactive Audio/visual Exhibition]

Hilmi, Adem ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Reimagining John Cage's Imaginary Landscapes No. 4. In: 26th International Conference on Auditory Display, 11 APR 2020, Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK. Item not available from this repository.

Hook, Alan and Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle (2015) Future Energy Networks and the Role of Interactive Gaming as Simulation. In: Renewable Futures RIXC, 8-10 October, 2015, Riga, Latvia.
[thumbnail of Renewable Futures Presentation.pdf]

Hook, Alan, Barrios-O'Neill, Danielle and Mairs Dyer, Jolene (2016) A Transmedia Topology of Making a Murderer. VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture, 5 (10). ISSN 2213-0969
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[thumbnail of Una Topología Transmedia De Making A Murderer.pdf]

Hopkins, David and McMurdo, Wendy ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Interview with David Hopkins for the concluding chapter of his 2021 publication 'Dark Toys - Surrealism and the Culture of Childhood (Yale Press). In: Dark Toys - surrealism and the culture of childhood. Yale Press, USA, pp. 286-292. ISBN 9780300225747 Item availability may be restricted.
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Howard, Jeff ORCID logoORCID: (2017) Force and Fire: Making Your Game More Metal. In: Game Developer's Conference (GDC), San Francisco.
[thumbnail of howard_jeff_forceandfire.pdf]

Howard, Jeff ORCID logoORCID: (2014) Game Magic: A Designer's Guide to Magic Systems in Theory and Practice. CRC Press/Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, United States. ISBN 1138427756 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Game Magic.pdf]

Howard, Jeff ORCID logoORCID: (2012) "Howard's Law of Occult Game Design" (section) in 100 Principles of Game Design (book). In: 100 Principles of Game Design. New Riders, New York. ISBN 0321902491
[thumbnail of howardsLawMerged.pdf]

Howard, Jeff ORCID logoORCID: (2012) Occult Game Design: An Initiation into Secrets and Mysteries. In: Game Developer's Conference (GDC) Online 2012, October 2012, Austin, TX, U.S..
[thumbnail of howard_jeff_occultgamedesign.pdf]

Howard, Jeff ORCID logoORCID: (2015) "The Occult in Video Games: An Interview with Jeff Howard". Dark Discoveries, 1 (32). pp. 88-90. ISSN 9781942712558
[thumbnail of DarkDiscoveriesCombinedPdf.pdf]

Howard, Jeff ORCID logoORCID: (2009) Quests: Design, Theory, and History in Games and Narratives. AK Peters/CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, United States. ISBN 1138427942 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of epdf.pub_quests-design-theory-and-history-in-games-and-narr.pdf]

Howard, Jeff ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Quests: Design, Theory, and History in Games and Narratives. 2nd Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. ISBN 9780367686048 (In Press) Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of The accepted version of the manuscript for Quests 2nd edition]

Howard, Jeff ORCID logoORCID:, Phillips, Tim ORCID logoORCID:, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Summerley, Rory ORCID logoORCID: and Mitchell, Alexander (2023) Playful Tarot: Adaptations of Tarot In, Through, and Across Games. In: Proceedings of the 9th Biennial Conference of the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism, June 26-28, 2023, Malmo, Sweden.
[thumbnail of tarotPresentationv15.pdf]

Huang, Anna, Chen, Sherol, Nelson, Mark and Eck, Douglas (2018) Towards Mixed-Initiative Generation of Multi-Channel Sequential Structure. In: International Conference on Learning Representations, 30 Apr - 3 May 2018, Vancouver, Canada.
[thumbnail of iclr18_mixedinitiative_sequential.pdf]

Huber, William ORCID logoORCID: (2023) The Battle Game at the Bannockburn Experience. In: DiGRA 2024: Playgrounds, July 1-5, 2024, Guadalajara.
[thumbnail of Extended Abstract]

Hughes, Alex, Archer-Brown, Chris ORCID logoORCID:, Kietzmann, Jan and Park, Andrew (2018) Beyond Bitcoin – What Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies Mean for Firms. Beyond Bitcoin – What Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies Mean for Firms, 62 (7). ISSN 0007-6813
[thumbnail of Beyond Bitcoin – What Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies Mean for Firms]


Inagawa, Yutaka (2017) Floating Urban Slime/Sublime. [Media]


Jin, Allon (2022) Realism, Storytelling and User Experience in HMD-based eXtended Reality for Holocaust Museum. Doctoral thesis, Falmouth University / University of the Arts London.
[thumbnail of JIN, A PHD Thesis_final.pdf]

Jin, Yunshu, Ma, Minhua ORCID logoORCID: and Li, Jiachen (2020) Immersive Storytelling in Augmented Reality: Witnessing the Kindertransport. In: Serious Games. Springer, Cham, JCSG 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12434. ISBN 978-3-030-61813-1 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of 8_ImmersiveStorytellinginARWitnessKindertransport2.pdf]

Jin, Yunshui, Ma, Minhua ORCID logoORCID: and Li, Yun (2020) Interactive Narrative in Augmented Reality: An Extended Reality of the Holocaust. In: Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Industrial and Everyday Life Applications. Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 12191) . Springer, Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part II, pp. 249-269. ISBN 9783642407895 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of 9_InteractiveNarrativeinAR_AnExtendedRealityoftheHolocaust.pdf]

Jin, Yunshui, Ma, Minhua ORCID logoORCID: and Zhu, Yongning ORCID logoORCID: (2021) A comparison of natural user interface and graphical user interface for narrative in HMD-based augmented reality. Multimedia tools and applications, 81. pp. 1-32. ISSN 1573-7721
[thumbnail of article.pdf]

Johnson, Chris, McGill, Monica, Bouchard, Durell, Bradshaw, Michael K, Bucheli, Victor, Merkle, Laurence D, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Sweedyk, Z, Velàzquez-Iturbide, J. Àngel, Xiao, Zhiping and Zhang, Ming (2017) Game Development for Computer Science Education. In: Proceedings of the 21st ACM Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July 11, 2016 - July 13, 2016, Arequipa, Peru.
[thumbnail of iticse16_wg_gamedev.pdf]

Joule, Andy ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Directing is Proper Dope. In: Directing the Future, 12/11/2018 - 15/11/2018, Mumbai. (Submitted)
[thumbnail of PDF version of Keynote Presentation]


Kay, Madeleine and Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID: (2018) The effect of visualising NPC pathfinding on player exploration. In: Proceedings of Curiosity in Games workshop at the International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG), 7-10 August 2018, Malmö, Sweden. (In Press)
[thumbnail of fdg2018.pdf]

Kerh, Tienfuan, Lu, Hsienchang and Saunders, Rob (2014) Investigating Nonlinear Shoreline Multiperiod Change from Orthophoto Map Information by Using a Neural Network Model. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014. ISSN 1563-5147
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Kietzmann, Jan and Archer-Brown, Chris ORCID logoORCID: (2019) From hype to reality: Blockchain grows up. Business Horizons, Online. ISSN 0007-6813
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Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID:, Brown, Douglas ORCID logoORCID:, Ma, Eunice ORCID logoORCID:, Belinskiy, Anton and Bhui, Kamaldeep (2025) Coziness in Games: Second Homes, Audiences and Esthetics. Games and Culture, Online First. ISSN 1555-4120 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of CozyPaper_19thSept.docx] [thumbnail of krzywinska-et-al-2025-coziness-in-games-second-homes-audiences-and-esthetics.pdf]

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2008) Arachne v. Minerva: The Spinning out of long narrative in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and World of Warcraft. In: Third Person: authoring and exploring vast narratives. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. ISBN 9780262232630

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2006) Blood Scythes, Festivals, Quests and Backstories: World Creation and Rhetorics of Myth in World of Warcraft. Games and Culture, 1 (4). pp. 383-396. ISSN 1555-4139

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2014) Conspiracy Hermeneutics: The Secret World as Weird Tale. Well Played: a journal on video games, value and meaning, 3 (2). pp. 123-143. ISSN 2164-344X
[thumbnail of Well Played - whole issue of journal]
[thumbnail of The Gamification of the Weird Tale_09_09_14_v2.0_clean.pdf]

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Curses, Rites and Questionable Offerings. In: Folk Horror: New Global Pathways. Horror Studies . University of Wales Press, unknown. ISBN 9781786839794 (In Press) Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Folk Horror_1st_Proofs_10_Krzywinska (1).pdf] [thumbnail of Tanya Krzywinska _FH_edit_2_FURR_version (002).pdf]

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Dangerous Agencies: Norns, Games and Aesthetics of Emergence. Dangerous Women Project, no volume number. ISSN no Issn
[thumbnail of 2_Norns_dangerous_Krzywinska.docx]

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Dangerous Agencies: Norns, Games and Aesthetics of Emergence. Dangerous Women Project, no volume number. ISSN no Issn
[thumbnail of article]

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2014) Digital Games and the American Gothic: Investigating Gothic Game Grammar. In: A companion to American Gothic. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 503-516. ISBN 9780470671870 Item availability may be restricted.
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Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2019) “Everything is True”: Urban Gothic meets the Chthulucene in Multiplayer Online Game, The Secret World.
[thumbnail of Book Chapter]

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Formations of Player Agency and Gender in Gothic Video Games. In: Women and the Gothic: An Edinburgh Companion. Edinburgh Companions to the Gothic . Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh University, pp. 214-227. ISBN 9780748699124
[thumbnail of Book chapter]

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2015) The Gamification of Gothic Coordinates. Revenant: Critical and Creative Studies of the Supernatural, 1 (1). pp. 58-78. ISSN 2397 8791
[thumbnail of Tanya-Krzywinska-The-Gamification-of-Gothic-Coordinates-in-Videogames.pdf]

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Gaming Horror’s horror: Representation, Regulation and Affect in Horror Videogames. Journal of Visual Culture, The Design and Componentry of Horror (14(3)). pp. 293-297. ISSN 14704129
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Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2017) Gothic American Gaming. In: Cambridge Companion to the American Gothic. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 229-242. ISBN
[thumbnail of Gothic American Gaming]

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2009) Movie-games and Game-movies: Towards an aesthetics of transmediality. In: Film Theory and Contemporary Hollywood Movies. Routledge/AFI, New York, USA. ISBN 978-0415962629

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Playing the Intercorporeal: Frankenstein's Legacy for Games. In: Global Frankenstein. Studies in Global Science Fiction . Palgrave Macmillian UK, London, pp. 283-300. ISBN 9783319781419
[thumbnail of Book chapter]

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2012) The Strange Case of the Misappearance of Sex in Videogames. In: Computer Games and New Media Cultures: A Handbook of Digital Games Studies. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany. ISBN 978-94-007-2777-9
[thumbnail of Krzywinska_sex_and_games_pre_pub.pdf]

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2013) Transmedial Aesthetics: Where form and content meet - Film and Videogames. In: Content and Representation. International Companions to Media Studies . Blackwell-Wiley, Oxford, UK. ISBN 978-1405193566

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: and Brown, Douglas ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Games, Gamers and Posthumanism. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Posthumanism in Film and Television. Palgrave Macmillian UK, London, pp. 192-201. ISBN 9781137430328 (online) 9781349577019 (print)
[thumbnail of Book Chapter]

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: and Brown, Douglas ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Games, Gamers and Posthumanism. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Posthumanism in Film and Television. Palgrave Handbooks . Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 192-201. ISBN 9781349577019 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Brown_Krzywinska_Posthuman_Games_FINAL.pdf]

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: and Brown, Douglas ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Online Games and Genre. In: International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society. John Wiley & Sons/Blackwell, Oxford. ISBN 978-1-118-29074-3
[thumbnail of GenreandOnlineGamesedit02.0.pdf]

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: and King, Geoff (2000) Science Fiction Cinema: From Outerspace to Cyberspace. Wallflower Press, unknown. ISBN 978-1903364031

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: and King, Geoff (2005) Tomb Raiders and Space Invaders: Video Games in the 21st Century. I B Tauris, unknown. ISBN 978-1850438144

Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID:, Phillips, Tim ORCID logoORCID:, Parker, Alcwyn ORCID logoORCID: and Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: (2020) From Immersion’s Bleeding Edge to the Augmented Telegrapher: A Method for Creating Mixed Reality Games for Museum and Heritage Contexts. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 13 (4). ISSN 1556-4673
[thumbnail of A Method for Creating Mixed Reality Games for Museum and Heritage Contexts.pdf]


Lamb, Johny ORCID logoORCID: and Reeder, Philip (2019) Still Every Year They Went. [Composition]
[thumbnail of REF Portfolio]

Lamb, Johny ORCID logoORCID:, Reeder, Philip and Frears, Lucy (2013) Churks, Clidgy & Doodle-Dashers songs. [Composition] Item not available from this repository.

Levinsky, Sarah (2024) Choreographic Explorations in the Middle and the Excess: Turning habit into potential with Tools that Propel. Performance Research, 28 (8). ISSN 1352-8165 (In Press) Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Levinsky - Choreographic explorations]

Levinsky, Sarah (2023) ENCOUNTERS BETWEEN DANCE AND DIGITAL MEANING DISCOVERING POTENTIAL IN THE QUESTION OF MOVEMENT. Doctoral thesis, Falmouth University / University of the Arts London.
[thumbnail of LEVINSKY, S Thesis_Encounters Between Dance and Digital Meaning.pdf]

Liapis, Antonios, Yannakakis, Georgios N., Nelson, Mark, Preuss, Mike and Bidarra, Rafael (2018) Orchestrating Game Generation. IEEE Transactions on Games, 11 (1). pp. 48-68. ISSN 2475-1510
[thumbnail of OrchestratingGenerators_IEEEToG.pdf]

Liu, Tingting, Liu, Zhen, Ma, Minhua ORCID logoORCID:, Chen, Tian, Liu, Cuijuan and Chai, Yanjie (2018) 3D visual simulation of individual and crowd behavior in earthquake evacuation. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 95 (1). pp. 65-81. ISSN 0037-5497 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of SimulationTransactionsModellingSimulationInt.pdf] [thumbnail of SIMULATION_authorsVersion1.doc]

Lllano, Teresa, Guckelsberger, Christian, Hepworth, Rose, Gow, Jeremy, Corneli, Joe and Colton, Simon (2016) What If A Fish Got Drunk? Exploring the Plausibility of Machine-Generated Fictions. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Creativity, 27 June - 01 July 2016, France.
[thumbnail of llano_iccc2016.pdf]

Lorway, Norah ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Across Voids: An Interactive Experience on Grief. [Media] Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of __MACOSX/AcrossVoidsMedia/._SWCTN_LORWAY.pdf] [thumbnail of Audio Visual Media and a contextual document]

Lorway, Norah ORCID logoORCID:, Bhumber, Kiran and Lee, Nancy (2016) Hollow Vertices: A performance environment for live coding and interactive media. [Performance]
[thumbnail of Hollow Vertices]
[thumbnail of REF Portfolio]

Lorway, Norah ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Adventures in promoting equality and accessibility in computer music through live coding. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED.
[thumbnail of Link to report in Sound, Gender, Feminism, Activism zine]

Lorway, Norah ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Clatter. [Composition]
[thumbnail of]

Lorway, Norah ORCID logoORCID:, Jarvis, Matthew, Wilson, Arthur, Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID: and Speakman, John (2019) Autopia: An AI Collaborator for Gamified Live Coding Music Performances. In: Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour Convention, Falmouth University.
[thumbnail of AISB2019_Live_Coding_Game.pdf]

Lorway, Norah ORCID logoORCID:, Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID: and Wilson, Arthur (2021) Autopia: An AI collaborator for live networked computer music performance. In: 2nd Conference on AI Music Creativity (MuMe + CSMC), July 18-22 2021, Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) of the University of Music and Performing Arts of Graz, Austria.
[thumbnail of AIMC2021 paper CameraReady.pdf]

Lorway, Norah ORCID logoORCID:, Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Wilson, Arthur, Speakman, John A. and Jarvis, Matthew (2019) Autopia: An AI Collaborator for Live Coding Music Performances. In: International Conference on Live Coding, 5-7 February 2020, University of Limerick, Ireland.
[thumbnail of ICLC2020_Lorway.pdf]

Loydell, Rupert ORCID logoORCID:, Lilwall, Amy ORCID logoORCID: and Murray, Eoin ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Appetite for Sky. Text, 27 (2). ISSN 1327-9556
[thumbnail of collaborative interactive text + essay introduction] [thumbnail of biographical notes for article]

Loydell, Rupert ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Making Us Human. International Times, none. ISSN none
[thumbnail of book review]

Loydell, Rupert ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Monster Mash. Stride magazine, no volume. ISSN no issn

Loydell, Rupert ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Safety Net. International Times, none. ISSN none
[thumbnail of Book review]

Loydell, Rupert ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Will AI Make Us Stupid? International Times, none. ISSN 26340852
[thumbnail of prose poem]

Loydell, Rupert ORCID logoORCID: and Cave, Sarah (2021) The Art of Object-Oriented Ritual: an interview with Sarah Cave. Litter, N/A. ISSN N/A (In Press)
[thumbnail of Interview]

Loydell, Rupert ORCID logoORCID: and Marshall, Kingsley ORCID logoORCID: (2017) Sound Mirrors: Brian Eno & Touchscreen Generative Music. Musicology Research, 3 (Autumn). pp. 27-50. ISSN 2515-981X
[thumbnail of SOUND MIRRORS 2017_FINALKM_Edit171017.pdf]

Luxton-Reilly, Andrew, Simon, Albluwi, Ibrahim, Becker, Brett, Giannakos, Michail, Kumar, Amruth, Ott, Linda, Paterson, James, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Sheard, Judy and Szabo, Claudia (2018) Introductory Programming: A Systematic Literature Review. In: Proceedings Companion of the 23rd Annual ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 02 - 04 July 2018, Larnaca, Cyprus.
[thumbnail of ITiCSE_2018__WG3.pdf]


Ma, Minhua ORCID logoORCID:, Fletcher, Bobbie, Göbel, Stefan, Baalsrud Hauge, Jannicke and Marsh, Tim (2020) Serious Games. Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 12434) Also part of the Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI book sub series (LNISA, volume 12434) . Springer, Joint International Conference, JCSG 2020, Stoke-on-Trent, UK, November 19–20, 2020, Proceedings. ISBN 978-3-030-61814-8 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of 7_bookFrontMatter.pdf]

Ma, Minhua ORCID logoORCID: and Strathearn, Carl (2021) A Novel Speech to Mouth Articulation System for Realistic Humanoid Robots. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 101. ISSN 0921-0296
[thumbnail of 1_NovelSpeechtoMouthArticulationSyst4RealisticHumanoidRobots.pdf]

Ma, Minhua Eunice ORCID logoORCID:, Zhejun, Liu, Yunshui, Jin and Jiachen, Li (2022) A Comparison of Immersive and Non-immersive VR for the Education of Filmmaking. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 38 (12). ISSN N/A
[thumbnail of A Comparison of Immersive and Non-immersive VR_revised.pdf]

Marder, Ben, Archer-Brown, Chris ORCID logoORCID:, Colliander, Jonas and Lambert, Aliette (2018) Vacation Posts on Facebook: A Model for Incidental Vicarious Travel Consumption. Journal of Travel Research, 58 (6). pp. 1014-1033. ISSN 1552-6763
[thumbnail of Vacation posts on Facebook.pdf]

Marder, Ben, Marchant, Caroline, Archer-Brown, Chris ORCID logoORCID:, Yau, Amy and Colliander, Jonas (2018) Conspicuous Political Brand Interactions on Social Network Sites. European Journal of Marketing, 52 (3/4). pp. 702-724. ISSN 0309-0566
[thumbnail of EJM Conspicuous Political Brand Interactions on Social Network Sites Chris Archer-Brown (1).pdf]

Marder, Ben, Slade, Emma, Houghton, David and Archer-Brown, Chris ORCID logoORCID: (2016) “I like them, but won’t ‘Like’ them”: an examination of impression management associated with visible political party affiliation on Facebook. Computers in Human Behaviour, 61. ISSN 0747-5632

Marriott, Susannah, Shipman, Helen and Bruce, Christina (2012) How To Write Your Family History for Tablet Devices: A Complete Course for Beginners. How to Write . Firsty Group, Barnes and Noble. ISBN 9781908285492

Marshall, Kingsley ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Music as a source of narrative information in HBO's Westworld. In: Reading Westworld. Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 97-118. ISBN 978-3-030-14514-9
[thumbnail of Westworld_Marshall_Final.pdf]

Marshall, Kingsley ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Marshall, Kingsley. 2022. ‘Introduction: Charlie Brooker’s Artistic Vision’, ‘You Were Never Really Here: Representations of Artificial Intelligence in Black Mirror’ and ‘Conclusion’. In Marshall, Kingsley and Rocha, James (Eds.). 2022. Philosophical Reflections on Black Mirror. London, UK: Bloomsbury. In: Philosophical reflections on Black Mirror. Philosophical redflections . Bloomsbury, London, pp. 114-128. ISBN 9781350162198 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of FURR_blackmirror_abstract_FinalKMEdited.pdf] [thumbnail of DanielShaw_blackmirror_FinalKM_01032020 (2).pdf]

Marshall, Kingsley ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Marshall, Kingsley. 2022. ‘Mere Data Makes A Man: Artificial Intelligence in Bladerunner 2049’, in English, Jeri and Pascal, Marie. 2022. Refocus: The Films of Denis Villeneuve. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ISBN: 9781474497381. In: The Films of Denis Villeneuve. Refocus Series . Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 178-193. ISBN 9781474497381
[thumbnail of Villeneuve_Chapter_FURR_KM04072021.pdf]

Marshall, Kingsley ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Shaw, Daniel; Marshall, Kingsley and Rocha, James (Eds.). 2022. Philosophical Reflections on Black Mirror. London: Bloomsbury. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781350162167 (In Press) Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of 9781350162143_txt_prf (1).pdf]

Marshall, Kingsley ORCID logoORCID: (2018) These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends: Representing Artificial Intelligence in HBO’s Westworld. In: Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference, 19 April 2019, Marriot Wardman Park, Washington DC. (In Press)
[thumbnail of These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends: Representing Artificial Intelligence in HBO’s Westworld (Delivered at PCA/ACA Conference, Washington D.C. Science & Popular Culture Area Panel: From Game of Thrones to Westworld, 19 April 2019)]

Marshall, Kingsley ORCID logoORCID: and Loydell, Rupert ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Thinking Inside the Box: Brian Eno, music, movement and light. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 16 (2). pp. 104-118. ISSN 1470-2029 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of ThinkingInsideThe Box.pdf]
[thumbnail of Thinking inside the box.pdf]

Masterton, Drummond ORCID logoORCID: (2012) Etive. [Artwork] Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of MMU Special Collections Catalogue]

Masterton, Drummond ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Making the Future. In: Exploiting Digital, July 17th 2015, Falmouth University, Penryn Campus, Cornwall, UK..
[thumbnail of 3D printing]

Masterton, Drummond ORCID logoORCID: (2013) Mindful Digital Practice. In: The World Beyond The Things, 12th - 14th March, 2014, Neues Museum, Staatliches Museum für Kunst und Design in Nürnberg - Klarissenplatz - 90402 Nürnberg.
[thumbnail of Presentation]

Masterton, Drummond ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Unobtainium. [Artwork] Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of 3D printed artifact]
[thumbnail of 3D printed Titanium artefact]

Matthias, Gayle, English, Claire and Bunnell, Katie (2014) All Makers Now? pop up exhibition supporting the conference. [Exhibition]

Matthias, Gayle and Jorgensen, Tavs (2015) Glass Mould Innovation Through Collaborative Research- Combining Studio Glass Knowledge with New Approaches in Digital Fabrication. The Glass Art Society Journal, Chicago, Illinois, 2014. pp. 46-47. ISSN 0692267484
[thumbnail of Glass Mold Innovation Through Collaborative Research]

Matthias, Gayle and Jorgensen, Tavs (2015) New Approaches in Glass Investment Casting- Creative Practitioners Researching and Innovating in the Field of Digital Fabrication. The Design Journal, 17 (3). pp. 455-471. ISSN 1460-6925
[thumbnail of new_approaches_in_glass_investment_casting.pdf]

Matthias, Gayle and Jorgensen, Tavs (2013) Reflections on a collaborative research project in digital moulding for glass casting and artistic interpretations. In: Making Futures Volume III Interfaces Between Craft Knowledge and Design: New Opportunities for Social Innovation & Sustainability, Mount Edgcumbe, Cornwall, UK.
[thumbnail of RR_reflections_270214.pdf]

McDonald, Brian ORCID logoORCID: and Summerley, Rory ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Perceived Foolishness: How Does the Saltybet Community Construct AI vs AI Spectatorship? Games and Culture. ISSN 1555-4139
[thumbnail of summerley-mcdonald-2024-perceived-foolishness-how-does-the-saltybet-community-construct-ai-vs-ai-spectatorship.pdf]

McDonald, Brian ORCID logoORCID:, Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID:, Phillips, Tim ORCID logoORCID:, Howard, Jeff ORCID logoORCID:, Speakman, John, Mitchell, Alexander, Parker, Alcwyn ORCID logoORCID: and Brown, Douglas ORCID logoORCID: (2022) The Kerdroya Postmortem: Navigating the Labyrinth of Co-creative Design and Collective Vision. In: Foundation of Digital Games 2022, Athens, Greece.
[thumbnail of howard2022kerdroya.pdf]

McDonald, Brian ORCID logoORCID: and Law, Robert (2014) Game Jams: How can they influence Software Development Curricula? In: Foundation of Digital Games 2015, June 22nd - June 25th 2015, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.
[thumbnail of GJ2015_submission_12.pdf]

McDonald, Brian ORCID logoORCID: and Moffat, David (2016) Using Sentiment Analysis to track reaction to the Global Game Jam Theme published in Proceedings of the International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons, and Game Creation Events. In: GJH&GC '16, March 13 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA. ACM, USA, pp. 50-53. ISBN 978-1-4503-4083-0
[thumbnail of ICGJ2016_paper_21.pdf]

McGill, Monica, Johnson, Chris, Atlas, James, Bouchard, Durell, Merkle, Larry, Messom, Chris, Pollock, Ian and Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: (2017) Game Development for Computer Science Education (Extended Abstract). In: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 3-5 July 2017, Bologna, Italy. (Unpublished)
[thumbnail of Extended Abstract - Full Paper to Follow late 2017/early 2018]

McGill, Monica, Johnson, Chris, Atlas, James, Bouchard, Durell, Messom, Chris, Pollock, Ian and Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: (2017) If Memory Serves: Towards Designing and Evaluating a Game for Teaching Pointers to Undergraduate Students. In: Proceedings of the Working Group Reports from the 2017 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July 03 - 05, Bologna, Italy. (In Press)
[thumbnail of iticse2017-wgr-if-memory-serves-preprint.pdf]

McGregor, Wayne and Deepres, Ravi (2018) AfteRite and Woolf Works. [Performance]
[thumbnail of Illustration for Woolf Works Catalogue]
[thumbnail of Stage Performance - AfteRite ©Ravi Deepres]

McMurdo, Wendy ORCID logoORCID: (2018) 'Between Realities’ a group exhibiton of international artists funded by the Goethe Institute in Sweden, and curated for the Stockholm based Kunsthalle Färgfabriken. Produced as a multi art form exhibition exploring issues around technology and future society. [Exhibition]
[thumbnail of Between Realities - Group Show, Stockholm, Sweden]
[thumbnail of Installation shot (projection and animated text), Between Realities, Stockholm]

McMurdo, Wendy ORCID logoORCID: (2017) Indeterminate Objects (classrooms). A solo digital commission for the Photographers Gallery, London (Oct 2017- Jan 2018). [Exhibition]
[thumbnail of Death to Screens Exhibition Flyer] [thumbnail of Production still_Indeterminate Objects (classrooms) 2018]

McMurdo, Wendy ORCID logoORCID: (2014) 'Digital Play: Wendy McMurdo Collected Works 1995–2012' Mid-career retrospective Solo exhibition Jun-Aug 2014. [Exhibition] Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Digital Play: Wendy McMurdo Collected Works 1995–2012: Archived version of website of exhibition] [thumbnail of The Somnambulist 1995 Copyright Wendy McMurdo]

McMurdo, Wendy ORCID logoORCID: (2018) UNSEEN Living Room: Film & Foto. In: Unseen Photo Festival, 22nd Sept 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Unpublished)
[thumbnail of Event information]

Mclaughlin, Cavan ORCID logoORCID: and Tomos, Elizabeth ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Trans- States: The Art of Deception. [Conference]
[thumbnail of Conference Programme]
[thumbnail of Trans-States-3-Programme-and-Exhibition-Catalogue (1).pdf]

Miller, Lee ORCID logoORCID: and Whalley, Joanne 'Bob' ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Otherwising: The Distributed Dramaturgies of Volumetric Capture (Co-presented with Joanne ’Bob’ Whalley). In: DRHA 2023, 9-12 September 2023, Turin. (Submitted)
[thumbnail of Powerpoint from Paper]
[thumbnail of Short Video from PowerPoint]

Milnes, Thomas (2022) Spatially Immersive Networked Composites: A Media Archaeology of the Photogrammetric Image through Glitch Practice. Doctoral thesis, Falmouth University / University of the Arts London.
[thumbnail of MILNES, T Thesis_Final.pdf]

Mitchell, Alexander ORCID logoORCID:, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Alshaigy, Bedour ORCID logoORCID:, Geraldes, Wendell Bento ORCID logoORCID:, Garcia, Rita ORCID logoORCID:, Gutica, Mirela ORCID logoORCID:, Keuning, Hieke ORCID logoORCID:, Lovellette, Ellie ORCID logoORCID:, Parthasarathy, P D ORCID logoORCID:, Russell, Seán ORCID logoORCID:, Schulz, Sandra ORCID logoORCID: and Wu, Xi ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Exploring Approaches to Assessing Student Teamwork in Undergraduate Computing Projects. In: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Virtual Global Computing Education Conference, December 5--8, 2024, Virtual Event. (In Press)
[thumbnail of Extended Abstract]

Mitchell, Alexander ORCID logoORCID:, Greer, Terry ORCID logoORCID:, New, Warwick ORCID logoORCID:, Walton-Rivers, Joseph ORCID logoORCID:, Watkins, Matt ORCID logoORCID:, Brown, Douglas ORCID logoORCID: and Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Student Perspectives on the Purpose of Peer Evaluation During Group Game Development Projects. In: United Kingdom and Ireland Computing Education Research Conference, September 2 - 3, 2021, Glasgow, United Kingdom. (In Press)
[thumbnail of UKICER21_Student_Perspectives_on_Peer_Review_Preprint.pdf]

Mitchell, Alexander ORCID logoORCID: and Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Retention in the Transition to Higher Education: Chat Bots and Student Mental Health. In: Proceedings of the SICSA Workshop on the Pedagogical Impacts of ChatGPT and Knowledge-Driven Large Language Models, August 24, 2023, Aberdeen, Scotland.
[thumbnail of detailed poster explaining the subject of the title]

Mitchell, Alexander, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Walton-Rivers, Joseph, Watkins, Matt, New, Warwick and Brown, Douglas ORCID logoORCID: (2022) An Exploratory Analysis of Student Experiences with Peer Evaluation in Group Game Development Projects. In: Proceedings of the 2022 United Kingdom and Ireland Computing Education Research Conference, September 1-2, 2022, Dublin, Ireland.
[thumbnail of UKICER-2022-AnExploratoryAnalysisOfStudentExperiencesWithPeerEvaluationInGroupGameDevelopmentProjects-AuthorVersion.pdf]

Mitchell, Alexander ORCID logoORCID:, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Walton-Rivers, Joseph ORCID logoORCID:, Watkins, Matt ORCID logoORCID:, New, Warwick ORCID logoORCID: and Brown, Douglas ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Peer Evaluation Questionnaire. [Dataset] (Unpublished)
[thumbnail of peer-evaluation-questionaire-2022.pdf]

Monk, Denzil ORCID logoORCID: (2018) The hills are alive… with event cinema. Arts Professional, The arts in rural areas (311).
[thumbnail of Cinegi Arts&Film article - Denzil Monk.pdf]
[thumbnail of Matthew Bourne's Sleeping Beauty]

Monk, Denzil ORCID logoORCID: and Berry, Mandy (2020) Kas Rag Media Gonis Poblek Kernewek A Case for Cornish Public Service Media. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED.
[thumbnail of PDF]

Moore, Philip, Adamson, Göran, Holm, Magnus and Wang, Lihui (2012) Adaptive Assembly Feature Based Function Block Control of Robotic Assembly. In: Proceedings of the 13th Mechatronics Forum. Advances in Mechatronics . unknown, unknown, pp. 8-13. ISBN 978-3-99033-042-5

Moore, Philip, De Vin, Leo, Ng, Amos, Sundberg, Martin, Pu, Junsheng and Wong, C-B (2008) Information Fusion for Decision Support in Manufacturing: Studies from the Defense Sector. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 35 (9-10). pp. 908-915. ISSN 1433-3015

Moore, Philip, Gustavsson, Per, Hieb, Michael, Eriksson, Patric and Niklasson, Lars (2011) Operations Intent and Effects Model. Journal of Defense Modelling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology, 8 (1). pp. 37-59. ISSN 1557-380X

Moore, Philip, Holm, Magnus, Adamson, Göran and Wang, Lihui (2012) An IEC 61499 Function Block based Approach for CNC Machining Operations. In: Proceedings of the 13th Mechatronics Forum. Advances in Mechatronics . Trauner Verlag, unknown, pp. 115-121. ISBN 978-3-99033-042-5

Moore, Philip, Saleem, A, Wong, C B and Pu, J (2009) Mixed reality environment for frictional parameters identification in servo-pneumatic system. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 17 (10). pp. 1575-1586. ISSN 1569-190X Item not available from this repository.

Moore, Philip, Solding, P and Thollander, P (2009) Improved Energy Efficient Production Using Discrete Event Simulation. Journal of Simulation, 3. pp. 191-201. ISSN 1747-7778

Moore, Philip, Syberfeldt, Anna, Grimm, H, Ng, Amos and John, Robert (2010) Evolutionary Optimisation of Multi-objective Problems using Confidence-based Dynamic Re-Sampling. European Journal of Operational Research, 204 (3). pp. 533-544. ISSN 0377-2217

Moore, Philip, Syberfeldt, Anna, John, Robert and Ng, Amos (2009) Multi-Objective Evolutionary-Optimisation of a Real-World Manufacturing Problem. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 25 (6). ISSN 0736-5845

Moore, Philip, Wang, Lihui, Adamson, Göran and Holm, Magnus (2012) A Review of Function Blocks for Process Planning and Control of Manufacturing Equipment. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 31 (3). ISSN 0278-6125

Moore, Philip, Yang, Aimin, Pu, Junsheng and Wong, C B (2009) By-pass valve control to improve energy-efficiency of pneumatic drive system. Journal of Control Engineering Practice, 17 (6). pp. 623-628. ISSN 0967-0661

Moore, Philip, Yang, K, Wong, C-B, Pu, Junsheng, Chong, S K and Simon, M (2008) A Practical Methodology for Realising Product Service Systems for Consumer Products. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 56 (1). pp. 224-235. ISSN 0360-8352

Moore, Philip, Yang, Xiaoyu and Chong, Seng Kwong (2009) Intelligent Products: From Lifecycle Data Acquisition to Enabling Product-related Services. Computers in Industry, 60 (3). pp. 184-194. ISSN 0166-3615 Item not available from this repository.

Murray, Eoin ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Subnautica: The undersea comfort game. Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds, 15 (3). pp. 311-319. ISSN 1757-1928 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of E.Murray Subnautica.pdf]

Myers, Misha and Frears, Lucy ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Performing Cartographies: Getting inside and beyond the map. In: New Directions in Radical Cartography. Why the Map is Never the Territory. Rowman & Littlefield, Landham, Maryland, US, pp. 209-232. ISBN 9781538147191 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of PerformingCartographies_2021.pdf]


Nelson, Mark (2017) Investigating Vanilla MCTS Scaling on the GVG-AI Game Corpus. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2016. p. 1. ISSN 2325-4289
[thumbnail of MCTSScaling_CIG16.pdf]

Nelson, Mark (2016) The Tapper videogame patent as a series of close readings. Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Conference of DiGRA and FDG, 13 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2342-9666 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of main-endnotes.pdf]

Nelson, Mark, Colton, Simon, Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Gaudl, Swen, Ivey, Peter, Saunders, Rob, Perez Ferrer, Blanca and Cook, Michael (2017) Mixed-Initiative Approaches to On-Device Mobile Game Design. In: Proceedings of the CHI'17 Workshop on Mixed-Initiative Creative Interfaces, May 7 2017, Denver, USA.
[thumbnail of Gamika_MICI17.pdf]

Nelson, Mark, Gaudl, Swen, Colton, Simon and Deterding, Sebastian (2018) Curious Users of Casual Creators. In: Workshop on Curiosity in Games at Foundations of Digital Games 2018, 10 Aug 2018, Malmö, Sweden.
[thumbnail of CuriousUsers_FDG18.pdf]

Nelson, Mark, Gaudl, Swen, Colton, Simon, Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Perez Ferrer, Blanca, Saunders, Rob, Ivey, Peter and Cook, Michael (2017) Fluidic Games in Cultural Contexts. In: International Conference on Computational Creativity, Georgia Tech, USA.
[thumbnail of FluidicGames_ICCC17.pdf]

Nelson, Mark, Gaudl, Swen, Colton, Simon, Saunders, Rob, Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Ivey, Peter, Perez Ferrer, Blanca and Cook, Michael (2017) Design Methods for Democratising Mobile Game Design. In: CHI Play Workshop: Critical Reflections on Participation in Game Development, 15 October 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
[thumbnail of GameDemocratisation_CROP17.pdf]

Nicholls, Katharine and Hayes, Derek ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Case studies from the Live Briefs on BA(Hons) Animation at Falmouth University CILECT. In: CILECT CONGRESS 2021-10-12 Audiovisual Education: Impact & Relevance, ZOOM, in partnership with Kristiania University, Oslo, Norway, 14 - 16 October 2021, ZOOM. Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Presentation with videos] [thumbnail of Transcript of Conference Presentation]

Nolan, Ryan ORCID logoORCID: (2020) Lac Bugs, Petrocapitalism, and Data: ‘Mediatic Musicology Without Music’. Journal of Media Art, Study and Theory, 1 (2). pp. 264-273. ISSN na
[thumbnail of Lac_Bugs_Petrocapitalism_and_Data.pdf]


Olsen, David and Nelson, Mark (2017) The Narrative Logic of Rube Goldberg Machines. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, 10690. pp. 104-116. ISSN 0302-9743
[thumbnail of RubeGoldberg_ICIDS17.pdf]

Otter Bickerdike, Jennifer (2015) The Secular Religion of Pilgrimage: Pop Culture Pilgrim. Swifts . Sage, London. ISBN 1473907799
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Parker, Alcwyn ORCID logoORCID:, Lewis, Gareth and Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Improving Technical Communication with a Cue Awareness Intervention using Poster Presentations. In: Proceedings of the Computing Education Practice Conference, 9th January 2020, Durham, UK. (Submitted)
[thumbnail of Improving_Technical_Communication_with_a_Cue_Awareness_Intervention_using_Poster_Presentations_Pre-Print.pdf]

Parker, Alcwyn ORCID logoORCID: and Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Crafting Engaging Programming Experiences for Young People in GLAM Spaces: The iOi-Sphere. In: ITiCSE 2018, July 02 - 04, 2018, Larnaca, Cyprus.
[thumbnail of crafting-engaging-programming.pdf]

Perez, Diego, Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Whitehouse, Daniel, Rohlfshagen, Philipp, Samothrakis, Spyridon, Cowling, Peter I and Lucas, Simon M (2014) Solving the Physical Travelling Salesman Problem: tree search and macro-actions. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, 6 (1). pp. 31-45. ISSN 1943-068X
[thumbnail of Perez_TCIAIG_master.pdf]

Perez Ferrer, Blanca, Colton, Simon, Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID:, Geelhoed, Erik ORCID logoORCID: and Cook, Michael (2016) Gamika: Art Based Game Design. Art/Games, Beginnings (1). pp. 18-24.
[thumbnail of Gamika_ArtSlashGames.pdf]

Pledger, Jon and Chen, M (2014) Two Exceptional Projects from a Multidisciplinary Game Development Curriculum. In: Eurographics 2014, Strasbourg, France.
[thumbnail of Two Exceptional Projects from a Multidisciplinary Game Development Curriculum.docx]

Potanin, Robyn-Ann (2016) Hairpins and Cockpits: Developer Behaviours Driving Game Concept Production. Doctoral thesis, University of the Arts London and Falmouth University. Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Hairpins and Cockpits_PhD_FinalBound copy.pdf]

Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Towards immersive 3D visualisations of game AI algorithms. In: Proceedings of Symposium on AI, Games & Virtual Reality, AISB Convention, Liverpool, UK.
[thumbnail of aisb18.pdf]

Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Cowling, Peter I and Whitehouse, Daniel (2014) Information capture and reuse strategies in Monte Carlo Tree Search, with applications to games of hidden information. Artificial Intelligence, 217 (Dec). pp. 92-116. ISSN 0004-3702
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Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Cowling, Peter I. and Whitehouse, Daniel (2018) Memory Bounded Monte Carlo Tree Search. In: 13th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE'17), 5-9 October 2017, Snowbird, Utah, USA.
[thumbnail of MemoryLimiting.pdf]

Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Gaudl, Swen, Colton, Simon, Nelson, Mark, Saunders, Rob and Cook, Michael (2016) Automated tweaking of levels for casual creation of mobile games. In: Computational Creativity and Games Workshop, 27 June 2016, Paris, France.
[thumbnail of GamikaAutotweaking_CCGW16.pdf]

Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Gaudl, Swen, Colton, Simon, Saunders, Rob and Nelson, Mark J. (2017) Semi-automated level design via auto-playtesting for handheld casual game creation. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2016. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2325-4289
[thumbnail of GamikaLevelDesign_CIG16.pdf]

Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Nelson, Mark, Gaudl, Swen, Perez Ferrer, Blanca, Saunders, Rob, Ivey, Peter and Cook, Michael (2017) Wevva: Demonstrating Game Design. Thirteenth Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference, AIIDE 2017, 13th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment. pp. 273-275. ISSN N/A
[thumbnail of Powley.pdf]

Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Tecza, Adrienne, Noble, Howard and Law, Richard (2016) Shallow Seas. [Device or Product]

Prior, David ORCID logoORCID: (2010) The Cochlea Unwound: A case study for a listening aid using a sonic crystal. Performance Research, 15 (3). pp. 95-102. ISSN 13528165
[thumbnail of Prior_CochleaUnwound_PerformanceResearch_FinalDraft.pdf]

Prior, David ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Sounding the Museum. In: DRHA Conference 2023, 10-13 September 2023, Turin, Italy.
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Prior, David ORCID logoORCID: and Crow, Frances (2016) To Intercession. [Exhibition]
[thumbnail of To Intercession_Gallery View_01]
[thumbnail of To Intercession_Gallery View_02]

Prösser, Malte, Moore, Philip, Chen, Xi, Wong, Chi-Biu and Schmidt, Ulrich (2013) A new approach towards systems integration within the mechatronic engineering design process of manufacturing systems. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 26 (8). pp. 806-815. ISSN 0951-192X Item not available from this repository.


Ray, Emma, Ma, Eunice ORCID logoORCID:, Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID:, Pavarini, Gabriela, Hugh-Jones, Siobhan, Mankee-Williams, Anna ORCID logoORCID:, Belinskiy, Anton and Bhui, Kamaldeep (2023) Typologies and Features of Play in Mobile Games for Mental Wellbeing. Simulation and Gaming. ISSN 1046-8781
[thumbnail of MobileGames4MentalWellbeing_acceptedVersionaccessible.docx]

Reeder, Philip (2011) Contribution of artist statement and musical composition on CyberArts 2011, as a result of honorary mention at Prix Ars Electronica 2011. In: CyberArts 2011. Hatjke Cantz, Germany. ISBN 978-3-7757-3181-2 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of CyberArts 2011 _ Contemporary Art _ Hatje Cantz.pdf]

Reinhardt, Dagmar, Saunders, Rob and Burry, Jane (2016) Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2016. Springer, Berlin. ISBN 9783319263762 Item availability may be restricted.
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Reinhardt, Dagmar, Saunders, Rob, Burry, Jane and Niemelä, Marjo (2016) Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2016. [Conference]

Ridout, Lizzie ORCID logoORCID:, Christoforidou, Maria ORCID logoORCID: and Star, Dion (2018) Various Writings: Chapter 1 (Research Catalogue Exposition published in RUUKKU). RUUKKU: Studies in Artistic Research, 8. ISSN 2341-9687
[thumbnail of Various Writings- Chapter 1 (Research Catalogue Exposition published in Ruukku) Unformatted Version.pdf]

Ridout, Lizzie ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Portable Document: A Taxonomy. [Exhibition]
[thumbnail of Portable Document - A Taxonomy]
[thumbnail of Exercise Books Taxonomy]

Ridout, Lizzie ORCID logoORCID: and Star, Dion (2017) The School of Various Writings: What is Writing? [Project]

Ridout, Lizzie ORCID logoORCID: and Star, Dion (2018) The School of Various Writings: Writing Machines. [Project]

Risner, Isabelle, Bunnell, Katie and Cleverly, Jason (2014) Crafting Audience Encounters. Making Futures, ISSN Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Crafting_Audience_Encounters.pdf]
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Rofe, Michael, Biscoe, Ian, Reeder, Philip and Murray, Samuel ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Online Orchestra Scalability Study. In: Online Orchestra Scalability Study, 10/11/2016, BSO, Poole, & Jewell Academy, Bournemouth. (Unpublished)
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Rofe, Michael, Prior, David ORCID logoORCID:, Reeder, Philip, Murray, Samuel ORCID logoORCID:, Parker, Will, Geelhoed, Erik ORCID logoORCID: and Biscoe, Ian (2015) Online Orchestra. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED.
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Rofe, Michael (2016) Online Orchestra - conference paper as part of Network Performance conference, University of Coventry. In: Network Performance Conference, Coventry University. (Unpublished) Item not available from this repository.

Rofe, Michael (2016) Online Orchestra - conference paper at Network Performance Workshop, Miami. In: Network Performance Workshop, New Symphony Centre, Miami. (Unpublished) Item not available from this repository.

Rofe, Michael (2016) Online Orchestra - conference paper at Performance Studies Network, Bath Spa. In: Performance Studies Network Conference, Bath Spa University. Item not available from this repository.

Rofe, Michael (2016) Online Orchestra - conference paper at University of Bristol Music Seminar Series. In: University of Bristol Music Seminar Series, University of Bristol. (Unpublished) Item not available from this repository.

Rofe, Michael (2016) Online Orchestra - conference paper at York St John University. In: Connect Resound Conference, York St John. (Unpublished) Item not available from this repository.

Rose, Claire ORCID logoORCID: (2023) INNOVATION - COACHING CONVERSATIONS FOR ENTREPRNEURS. Volume 2. INNOVATION - COACHING CONVERSATIONS FOR ENTREPRENEURS . Graveltrack Communications Ltd, UK. ISBN 9798880595587 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of icoach2 - extract evidence for FURR at dec 23.pdf]

Rose, Claire ORCID logoORCID: (2023) INNOVATION INVESTMENT PITCHING - A SHORT GUIDE FOR START UPS. Graveltrack Communications Ltd, UK. ISBN 9798210717603 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Innovation investment pitching extract for FURR Dec 23.pdf]

Rose, Claire ORCID logoORCID: (2023) ON THE PITCH. In: TALK AT EDEN PROJECT, 7.11.23, EDEN PROJECT. (Submitted) Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of PDf of slides for pitching talk at eden nov 23 for FURR.pdf]


Saario, Antti ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Through the Periscope: Microphone Character in Creative Studio Production. In: Innovation in Music 2023 Conference, 30 June - 02 July, Edinburgh Napier University. (Unpublished)
[thumbnail of In Music 2023 Periscope]

Saario, Antti ORCID logoORCID: (2024) Yesterday’s Charm, Today’s Precision”: Martin B. Kantola and the design of a new ‘classic’ microphone (Nordic Audio Labs NU-100K). In: Innovation in Music: Technology and Creativity. Perspectives on Music Production . Routledge, UK, pp. 153-171. ISBN 9780367633363 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Review Copy of Chapter - Not for Distribution] [thumbnail of T+F licence]

Sampson, Amy (2022) Keeping Connected – Developing distributed team working practices. Digital Culture Case Study, NA. ISSN NA
[thumbnail of keeping-connected-developing-distributed-team-working-practices/index.html]

Saunders, Rob and Bown, Oliver (2015) Computational Social Creativity. Artificial Life, 21 (3). pp. 366-378. ISSN 1064-5462
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Scott, Linda ORCID logoORCID: (2020) The All Seeing Eye: Surveillance Technologies as Tools of Control. In: CONFIA2020:8TH CONFERENCE ON ILLUSTRATION AND ANIMATION. CONFIA . Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Northern Portugal, pp. 1-688. ISBN 978-989-54939-0-6
[thumbnail of CONFIA The All Seeing Eye  Surveillance OCTOBER 2020 (1).docx]

Scott, Linda ORCID logoORCID: (2021) Low Brow, High Brow, Sci Fi: From the Margins to the Heights. In: CONFIA 2021: 9th International Conference on Illustration & Animation, October 28-29, Aveiro, Portugal. IPCA University, Barcelos Northern Portugal, pp. 243-257. ISBN 978-989-54939-6-8
[thumbnail of An appraisal of contemporary illustration in alignment with the theme of Science Fiction]

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Games and Game Jams: An Employability-First Approach to Educating Programmers. In: Inspire to Succeed: Transforming Teaching and Learning in STEM (HEA), 28-29 January 2016, Nottingham, UK.
[thumbnail of stem2016-scott.pdf]

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: (2012) A Monument to the Player: Preserving a Landscape of Socio-Cultural Capital in the Transitional MMORPG. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 18 (4). pp. 295-320. ISSN 1361-4568
[thumbnail of A_Monument_to_the_Player_PrePrint.pdf]

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: (2013) Projective Identity and Procedural Rhetoric in Educational Multimedia: Towards the Enrichment of Programming Self-Concept and Growth Mindset with Fantasy Role-Play. In: Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, October 21-25, 2013, Barcelona, Spain.
[thumbnail of [MM13] Projective Identity and Procedural Rhetoric in Educational Multimedia (Scott_PrePrint).pdf]
[thumbnail of Plain Text Bibliography]

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Self-Beliefs in the Introductory Programming Lab and Games-based Fantasy Role-Play. Doctoral thesis, Brunel University.
[thumbnail of thesis.pdf]

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: (2019) SpaceChem. In: Learning, Education and Games, Volume Three: 100 Games to Use in the Classroom & Beyond. ETC Press, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 389-393. ISBN TBC (In Press)
[thumbnail of This is the accepted version, prior to typesetting by the publisher.]

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: (2012) Vocalnayno: Designing a Game-Based Intervention to Support Reading Development in Primary Schools. In: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Games-Based Learning, October 4-5, 2012, Cork, Ireland.
[thumbnail of [ECGBL2012] Vocalnayno - Designing a Game-Based Intervention to Support Reading Development in Primary Schools (Author_PrePrint).pdf]
[thumbnail of Plain Text Bibliography]

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Chandra, Sharath, Huan, Yang, Lin, Weisi and Ghinea, Gheorghita (2015) Modelling Human Factors in Perceptual Multimedia Quality: On The Role of Personality and Culture. In: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Conference on Multimedia, October 26-30, 2015, Brisbane, Australia.
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[thumbnail of Plain Text Bibliography]

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Counsell, Steve, Stanislao, Lauria, Swift, Stephen, Tucker, Allan, Shepperd, Martin and Ghinea, Gheorghita (2015) Enhancing Practice and Achievement in Introductory Programming With a Robot Olympics. IEEE Transactions on Education, 58 (4). pp. 249-254. ISSN 0018-9359
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Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: and Ghinea, Gheorghita (2013) Educating Programmers: A Reflection on Barriers to Deliberate Practice. In: Proceedings of the HEA STEM Learning and Teaching Conference, April 18, 2013, Birmingham, UK.
[thumbnail of [HEA2013] Educating Programmers - A Reflection on Barriers to Deliberate Practice (Author_PrePrint).pdf]

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: and Ghinea, Gheorghita (2013) Implicit Theories of Programming Aptitude as a Barrier to Learning to Code: Are They Distinct from Intelligence? In: Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July 1-3, 2013, Canterbury, UK.
[thumbnail of [ITiCSE13] Implicit Theories of Programming Aptitude as a Barrier to Learning to Code(Scott_PrePrint).pdf]

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: and Ghinea, Gheorghita (2013) Integrating Fantasy Role-Play into the Programming Lab: Exploring the 'Projective Identity' Hypothesis. In: Proceeding of the 44th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, March 6-9, 2013, Denver, CO, USA.
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Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: and Ghinea, Gheorghita (2014) Measuring Enrichment: The Assembly and Validation of an Instrument to Assess Student Self-Beliefs in CS1. In: Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Computing Education Research, August 11-13, 2014, Glasgow, UK.
[thumbnail of [ICER2014] Measuring Enrichment (ScottGhinea_PrePrint).pdf]
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Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: and Ghinea, Gheorghita (2014) On the Domain-Specificity of Mindsets: The Relationship Between Aptitude Beliefs and Programming Practice. IEEE Transactions on Education, 57 (3). pp. 169-174. ISSN 0018-9359
[thumbnail of [TOCE-2013] On the Domain-Specificity of Mindsets (Scott_PrePrint).pdf]

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: and Ghinea, Gheorghita (2017) On the Impact of Lecture Recording Reduction: Evidence from a Randomised Trial. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 3-5 July 2017, Bologna, Italy.
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Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: and Ghinea, Gheorghita (2013) Promoting Game Accessibility: Experiencing an Induction on Inclusive Design Practice at the Global Games Jam. In: Proceedings of the Inaugural Workshop on the Global Games Jam, May 14, 2013, Chania, Crete.
[thumbnail of [GGJ2013] Promoting Game Accessibility - Experiencing an Induction on Inclusive Design Practice at the Global Games Jam (ScottGhinea_PrePrint).pdf]
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Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: and Ghinea, Gheorghita (2015) Reliability in the Assessment of Program Quality by Teaching Assistants During Code Reviews. In: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July 6-8, 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania.
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Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Ghinea, Gheorghita and Arachchilage, Nalin (2014) Assessing the Role of Conceptual Knowledge in an Anti-Phishing Educational Game. In: Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, July 7-10, 2014, Athens, Greece.
[thumbnail of [ICALT2014] Assessing the Role of Conceputal Knowledge in an Anti-Phishing Educational Game.pdf]

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Ghinea, Gheorghita and Hamilton, Ian (2014) Promoting Inclusive Design Practice at the Global Game Jam: A Pilot Evaluation. In: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 22-25, 2014, Madrid, Spain.
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Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Guntuku, Sharath Chandra, Lin, Weisi and Ghinea, Gheorghita (2016) Do Personality and Culture Influence Perceived Video Quality and Enjoyment? IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 18 (9). pp. 1796-1807. ISSN 1520-9210
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Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Parker, Alcwyn ORCID logoORCID:, Herring, Phoebe, Greer, Terry, Hickey, Kat, Rothwell, Sandra and Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Space on Earth: Assessing the Feasibility of Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality for a Visitor Experience. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
[thumbnail of Space_on_Earth.pdf]

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Parker, Alcwyn ORCID logoORCID:, McDonald, Brian ORCID logoORCID:, Lewis, Gareth and Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Nurturing Collaboration in an Undergraduate Computing Course with Robot-themed Team Training and Team Building. In: CEP '19: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Computing Education Practice. ACM Press, New York, p. 5. ISBN 9781450366311
[thumbnail of CEP_2019_paper_7.pdf]

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID: and Parker, Alcwyn ORCID logoORCID: (2017) Using GitHub to Support Programming Assignments. In: Proceedings of the 5th HEA Conference on Learning and Teaching in STEM Disciplines, 1-2 February 2017, Manchester, UK. (In Press)

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Spyridonis, Fotios and Ghinea, Gheorghita (2015) Designing Accessible Games with the VERITAS Framework: Lessons Learned from Game Designers. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, August 2-7, 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
[thumbnail of veritas_hcii_libre.pdf]

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Spyridonis, Fotios and Ghinea, Gheorghita (2015) Designing for Designers: Towards the Development of Accessible ICT Products and Services using the VERITAS Framework. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 42. pp. 113-124. ISSN 0920-5489
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Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Summerley, Rory ORCID logoORCID:, Besombes, Nicolas, Connolly, Cornelia, Gawrysiak, Joey, Halevi, Tzipora, Jenny, Seth, Miljanovic, Michael, Stange, Melissa, Taipalus, Toni and Williams, J Patrick (2021) Towards a Framework to Support the Design of Esports Curricula in Higher Education. In: Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 26 June, 2021 - 1 July, 2021, Gernany. (In Press)
[thumbnail of Extended Abstract]

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Summerley, Rory ORCID logoORCID:, Besombes, Nicolas, Connolly, Cornelia, Gawrysiak, Joey, Halevi, Tzipora, Jenny, Seth, Miljanovic, Michael, Stange, Melissa, Taipalus, Toni and Williams, J. Patrick (2021) Foundations for Esports Curricula in Higher Education. In: Proceedings of the 2021 Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pp. 27-55. ISBN 978-1-4503-9202-0 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of FoundationsForEsportsCurriculaInHigherEducation-AuthorVersion.pdf]
[thumbnail of FoundationsForEsportsCurriculaInHigherEducation-CameraReady.pdf]

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: and Zarb, Mark (2017) From Satisfaction To Inspiration: Using a Lego Robot Olympiad to Engage Programmers in Collaborative Problem Solving. In: Proceedings of the 5th HEA Conference on Learning and Teaching in STEM Disciplines, 1-2 February, 2017, Manchester, UK. (In Press)

Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Zarb, Mark, Alshaigy, Bedour and Ghinea, Gheorghita (2017) Diagnosis of Setbacks and Intervention in Introductory Programming at Scale. In: Computing Education Practice, 11th January 2017, Durham, UK. (In Press)
[thumbnail of DiagnosisandInterventioninIntroductoryProgrammingatScale.pdf]

Scott, Michael James ORCID logoORCID:, Parker, Alcwyn ORCID logoORCID:, Powley, Edward ORCID logoORCID:, Saunders, Rob, Lee, Jenny, Herring, Phoebe, Brown, Douglas ORCID logoORCID: and Krzywinska, Tanya ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Towards an Interaction Blueprint for Mixed Reality Experiences in GLAM Spaces: The Augmented Telegrapher at Porthcurno Museum. In: Proceedings of the 32nd BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference, 2-6 July, 2018, Belfast, NI.
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Scott, Tom (2019) Facing Down Facebook: Reclaiming Democracy in the Age of (Anti) Social Media. Discussion Paper. UNSPECIFIED.
[thumbnail of Facing_Down_Facebook_Tom_Scott_2019.pdf]

Shaker, Noor, Togelius, Julian and Nelson, Mark (2016) Procedural Content Generation in Games. Computational Synthesis and Creative Systems . Springer, USA. ISBN 9783319427140

Shapiro, Angela, McDonald, Brian ORCID logoORCID: and Johnston, Aidan (2014) Gathering the voices : disseminating the message of the Holocaust for the digital generation by applying an interdisciplinary approach. Social Sciences, Special Issue, New Media and Social Learning, 3 (3). pp. 499-513. ISSN 2076-0760
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Shaprio, Angela, McDonald, Brian ORCID logoORCID: and Johnson, Aidan (2013) Gathering the Voices: Disseminating the Message of the Holocaust for the Digital Generation. In: European Conference on e-Learning;, Nice, France. Item not available from this repository.

Sjölie, Daniel and Badylak, Sebastian (2019) Mind tricks for presence. In: FDG '19 Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games San Luis Obispo, California — August 26-30, 2019. ACM Press, New York. ISBN 978-1-4503-7217-6
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Speakman, John (2019) Evolving Source Code: Object Oriented Genetic Programming in .NET Core. In: 10th AI and Games Symposium, 16th-18th April 2019, Falmouth University.
[thumbnail of Abstract.  Object Oriented Genetic Programming (OOGP) is a method of Genetic Programming (GP) which gives access to standard language libraries, iteration and object-oriented method calls. The implementation of OOGP in this paper shows the automatic gener]

Star, Dion (2016) Book Identity: A Taxonomy. [Exhibition]
[thumbnail of Book Identity: A Taxonomy]

Star, Dion and Ridout, Lizzie ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Ridout, Lizzie and Star, Dion (2019) The School of Various Writings: Writing at a Distance. [Project]

Stephens, Madi ORCID logoORCID: and Mankee-Williams, Anna ORCID logoORCID: (2021) The sickening truth of the digital divide: Digital health reforms and digital inequality. Journal of Social Inclusion, 12 (2). pp. 57-66. ISSN 2183-2803
[thumbnail of The sickening truth of the digital divide Digital health reforms and digital inequality (4).pdf]

Strathearn, Carl and Ma, Eunice ORCID logoORCID: (2020) The Multimodal Turing Test for Realistic Humanoid Robots with Embodied Artificial Intelligence. The Multimodal Turing Test for Realistic Humanoid Robots with Embodied Artificial Intelligence, N/A. ISSN N/A
[thumbnail of 10_The Multimodal Turing Test for Realistic Humanoid Robots with Embodied Artificial Intelligence.pdf]

Strathearn, Carl and Ma, Minhua ORCID logoORCID: (2020) Modelling User Preference for Embodied Artificial Intelligence and Appearance in Realistic Humanoid Robots. Informatics, 7, 28. ISSN 2227-9709
[thumbnail of 5_Modelling User Preference for Embodied Artificial Intelligence in Realistic Humanoid Robots.pdf]

Su, Cui ORCID logoORCID: and Peart, Rob (2013) L/R. [Media]

Summerley, Rory ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Approaches to Game Fiction Derived from Musicals and Pornography. MDPI Arts Journal, 7 (3). ISSN 2076-0752
[thumbnail of MDPI arts-327420 (1).pdf]

Summerley, Rory ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Approaching the Analysis of the Spectatorship of AI in In: AISB, Falmouth, UK. (Submitted)
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Summerley, Rory ORCID logoORCID: (2019) The Development of Sports: A Comparative Analysis of the Early Institutionalization of Traditional Sports and E-Sports. Games and Culture, 15 (1). pp. 51-72. ISSN 1555-4139
[thumbnail of V3 Comparative Analysis Institutionalisation.pdf]

Summerley, Rory ORCID logoORCID: (2015) How do Frog Fractions and Nier use intertextual knowledge to subvert the player's expectations? Well-Played Journal, 3 (2). pp. 187-206. ISSN 2164-3458
[thumbnail of How do Frog Fractions and Nier use intertextual knowledge to subvert the player (1).pdf]

Summerley, Rory ORCID logoORCID: (2017) Ludic Dysnarrativa : How Can Fictional Inconsistency in Games be Reduced? Doctoral thesis, University of the Arts London in collaboration with Falmouth University.
[thumbnail of PhD Thesis - Rory Summerley - Online Version.pdf]

Summerley, Rory ORCID logoORCID: (2019) The Story of Bonehead Merkle: Appraising the Fictional Component of Sports. Well-Played, 8 (3). pp. 151-172. ISSN 2164-3458
[thumbnail of Accepted Journal Article]

Summerley, Rory ORCID logoORCID:, Howard, Jeff ORCID logoORCID:, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Wilbraham, Che and Brown, Douglas ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Tandem Analysis and Other Methodologies Inspired by Interdisciplinary Approaches. In: Nordic DiGRA 2023, 27-28 April 2023, Uppsala, Sweden. (Submitted) Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of NoDigra-2023_paper_5284 (Submitted).pdf]

Summerley, Rory ORCID logoORCID:, Rubino, Giovanni, Lelievre, Edwige and Phillips, Tim (2020) Virtual gardening: Identifying problems and potential directions for ‘ecological awareness’ through soil management and plant recognition gaming. Journal of Environmental Media, 1 (2). pp. 185-207. ISSN 2632-2471
[thumbnail of Virtual_guardening_v4_03 (1).pdf]
[thumbnail of Creation of a Meaningful Gardening Game.pdf]


Tarhini, Ali, Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID:, Abbasi, Sujeet Kumar Sharma and Sharif, Muhammad (2015) Differences in Intention to Use Educational RSS Feeds Between Lebanese and British Students: A Multi-Group Analysis Based on the Technology Acceptance Model. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 13 (1). pp. 14-29. ISSN 1479-4403

Toro-Troconis, Maria, Alexander, Jesse ORCID logoORCID: and Cosgrove, Steph (2018) Into the Image World: Creating Global Communities of Practice. In: AdvanceHE Teaching and Learning Conference 2018, 03-05 July 2018, Birmingham.
[thumbnail of 18.07.04_into_the image_world.pdf]

Toro-Troconis, Maria, Alexander, Jesse ORCID logoORCID: and Frutos-Perez, Manuel (2019) Assessing Student Engagement in Online Programmes: Using Learning Design and Learning Analytics. International Journal of Higher Education, 8 (6). ISSN 1927-6044 (print)
[thumbnail of 16298-57675-1-PB.pdf]


Vidanes, Gerico, Toal, David, Zhang, Daniel ORCID logoORCID:, Keane, Andy, Gregory, Jon and Nunez, Marco (2024) Enhancing Human-Machine Collaboration in CAD. In: Rolls-Royce CFD Conference 2024, Derby, UK. Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Best Poster Award Winner at Rolls-Royce CFD Conference 2024]


Waite, Simon ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Church Belles. [Composition]
[thumbnail of Church Belles score]
[thumbnail of Software: Max for Live devices]

Waite, Simon ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Multi-tool suite of pieces for vocals, guitar and interactive system. [Composition]
[thumbnail of Score for Willow]
[thumbnail of Score for Unquiet]

Waite, Simon ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Audiovisual Music Production: Influence of the Natural World on Process and Works. [Project]
[thumbnail of Waite2023_AudiovisualProduction_NatWorldProcess&Works.pdf]
[thumbnail of Euclid]

Waite, Simon ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Church Belles: An Interactive System and Composition Using Real-World Metaphors: In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University. NIME 2016, 2016. pp. 265-270. ISSN 2220-4806
[thumbnail of NIME paper 2016]

Waite, Simon ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Liveness and Interactivity in Popular Music. In: Innovation in Music Performance, Production, Technology, and Business, 1st Edition. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138498198
[thumbnail of]

Waite, Simon ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Reimagining the Computer Keyboard as a Musical Interface. NIME 2015, 2015. pp. 168-169. ISSN 2220-4806
[thumbnail of NIME 2015 Paper]

Wang, Chen, Geelhoed, Erik ORCID logoORCID:, Stenton, Phil and Cesar, Pablo (2014) Sensing a live audience. In: ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2014, Toronto, Canada.
[thumbnail of CHI2014-sensing-a-live-audience(CHEN).pdf]

Wang, Chen, Zhu, Xintong, Geelhoed, Erik ORCID logoORCID:, Biscoe, Ian, Röggla, Thomas and Cesar, Pablo (2016) How Are We Connected? Measuring Audience Galvanic Skin Response of Connected Performances.". In: International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems, Lisbon, Portugal,. (In Press)
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Wearn, Nia and McDonald, Brian ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Ethos of location and its implication to the motivators of Global Games Jam participants. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons, and Game Creation Events, San Francisco, USA.
[thumbnail of p58-Wearn.pdf]

Whelan, Gregg ORCID logoORCID: and Tuukkanen, Johanna (2018) ANTI Contemporary Art Festival 2018: Games and Play. [Exhibition]
[thumbnail of ANTI Festival 2019_ Madeleine Flynn & Tim Humphrey, Pivot. Photo: Pekka Mäkinen]

White, David (2016) Camera Obscura camera. [Project] (Unpublished) Item not available from this repository.

Whittaker, Emma (2020) An Aesthetics of Ambient Literature: Experience, Narrative, Design. In: Ambient Literature. Palgrave, London. ISBN 978-3-030-41456-6 (In Press) Item not available from this repository.

Whittaker, Emma (2019) Discriminate AR, Immersive Explorations in Pilgrimage Experiences. In: SIEF2019, 13-17 April 2019, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Item not available from this repository.

Whittaker, Emma (2015) Inside the Snow Globe: Pragmatisms, belief and the ambiguous objectivity of the imaginary. Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research, 13 (3). pp. 275-284. ISSN ISSN 1477965X
[thumbnail of Whittaker_InsideSnowGlobe2015_NonIntellectFormat.pdf]

Whittaker, Emma (2016) Inside the Snow Globe: pragmatisms, belief and the objectivity of the imaginary’. In: The Undivided Mind, Planetary Collegium Symposium, 16-18th July 2015, Plymouth University.

Whittaker, Emma (2013) Listening to Locative Narratives: Illusion and the Imaginative Experience. Leonardo Music Journal, December (LM23). pp. 17-18. ISSN ISSN: 0961-1215
[thumbnail of Listening to Locative Narratives- Illusion and the Imaginative Experience_.pdf]

Whittaker, Emma (2018) Sound Art as Locative Narrative. In: The Oxford Handbook of Sound Art. The Oxford Handbooks . Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN Not yet available (Submitted) Item not available from this repository.

Whittaker, Emma (2017) Transitions-Felt: William James, Locative Narrative and the Multi-Stable Field of Expanded Narrative. Doctoral thesis, University of Plymouth.
[thumbnail of PhD Thesis]

Whittaker, Emma (2019) The Wave-crest: Narrative Complexity and Locative Narrative. In: Narrative Complexity, Cognition, Embodiment, Evolution. Frontiers of Narrative Series . University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, pp. 73-97. ISBN 978-0-8032-9686-2

Whittaker, Emma and Brocklehurst, James (2016) Journeyer's Guidebook. [Media]

Whittaker, Emma and Brocklehurst, James (2016) Locative Narrative: Creating Contexts for Supposition in Spatially Distributed Museums. In: National Archives Conference: Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities 2016, 10-12 October 2016, The Lowry, Salford.

Whittaker, Emma and Brocklehurst, James (2013) The Lost Index: Landscape with Figures. [Artwork]

Whittaker, Emma and Brocklehurst, James (2015) The Lost Index: NATMUS. [Media]
[thumbnail of The lost index: NATMUS]

Whittaker, Emma and Brocklehurst, James (2014) The Lost Index: The Turning. [Artwork]

Whittaker, Emma and Brocklehurst, James (2014) Playing with Perception: Locative Narrative and Sonic Virtual Locations. In: Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts 2014, 31 August - 1 September 2014, University of Greenwich.

Whittaker, Emma, Pullinger, Kate, Abba, Tom, Gadd, Ian, Hayler, Matt, Spencer, Amy, Dovey, Jonathan, Marcinkowski, Michael, Attlee, James, Speakman, Duncan and Dovey, Jonathan (2018) Ambient Literature Festival. In: Ambient Literature Festival, 23 April 2018, British Library, London. (Unpublished)

Whittaker, Jason (2007) Gothic and New Technologies. In: The Routledge Companion to Gothic. Routledge Companions . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp. 270-279. ISBN 978-0415398435

Whittaker, Jason (2002) The Internet: the Basics. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK. ISBN 978-0415257466

Whittaker, Jason (2009) Producing for Web 2.0: a student guide. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK. ISBN 978-0415486217

Whittaker, Jason (2000) Producing for the Web. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK. ISBN 0415231140


Williams, Gwynedd ORCID logoORCID: (2022) Narrative review of literature on Unpaid Carers and the use of mobile text message technology. Journal of Long-term Care, NA. ISSN 2516-9122 (Submitted)
[thumbnail of narrative review unpaid carers JLTC V12 FURR  (1).pdf]

Wilson, Scott, Lorway, Norah ORCID logoORCID:, Coull, Rosalyn, Vasilakos, Konstantinos and Moyers, Tim (2014) Free as in BEER: Some Explorations into Structured Improvisation Using Networked Live-Coding Systems. Computer Music Journal, 38 (1). pp. 54-64. ISSN 0148-9267
[thumbnail of BEER CMJ Article.pdf]

Wilson, Scott, Lorway, Norah ORCID logoORCID:, Moyers, Tim, Coull, Rosalyn and Kuoppala, Visa (2012) Stirring up Pea Stew: A Network Feedback Structure for Live Coding. In: International Conference on Live Interfaces: Performance, Art, Music, September 7-8 2012, University of Leeds, UK.
[thumbnail of Stirring_Up_Pea_Stew_A_networked_feedbac.pdf]

Wincott, Abigail ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Un bon voyage sonore:. Journal of Radio and Audio Media, online. ISSN 1937-6529
[thumbnail of Un bon voyage sonore_AM.pdf]

Wincott, Abigail ORCID logoORCID: (2023) Cuts, fades and layers: Audio production interfaces and mental schemas for radiophonic storytelling. In: IAMCR Annual Conference 2023, 9-13 July 2023, Lyon, France.
[thumbnail of WINCOTT IAMCR 2023 3719.pdf]

Wood, Hannah (2017) Dynamic Syuzhets: Writing and Design Methods for Playable Stories. In: Interactive Storytelling: 10th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10690 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 24-37. ISBN 978-3-319-71027-3 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of Published version of paper given at International Conference on Digital Interactive Storytelling (ICIDS) 2017]

Wood, Hannah, Parr, Dani, Helps, Alice, Landau, Julie, Jamieson, Dan, Morgan, Rob and Boyle, Grace (2019) Project Dinosaurs and Project Robots – current codenames. [Performance]
[thumbnail of Initial press release for experience]

Wylde, Gillian ORCID logoORCID: (2016) Because Internets. In: ISEA2016 Hong Kong 香港, Monday 16 to Sunday 22 May 2016., City University’s Creative Media Centre, Jockey Club Innovation Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Cattle Depot Artist Village.. (Submitted)
[thumbnail of Screen Shot 2016-05-30 at 10.32.12.png]

Wylde, Gillian ORCID logoORCID: (2015) 'The Dark Precursor' International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research 2015. In: International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research 2015, 9-11 November 2015, Ghent, Belgium.
[thumbnail of Installation photograph]

Wylde, Gillian ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Gillian Wylde - Will Internets Eated Brain? [Exhibition]
[thumbnail of Installation photograph]

Wylde, Gillian ORCID logoORCID: (2019) ‘Intertextuel Sapphic Vaporwave’. [Exhibition]
[thumbnail of Beyond Brilliance: nebulous sounds approaching just passing the upper human threshold of hearing]
[thumbnail of #Feels AKA annotated likes]

Wylde, Gillian ORCID logoORCID: (2017) Will Internets Eat Brain? Journal for Writing in Creative Practice, 10 (1). pp. 137-158. ISSN 17535190 Item availability may be restricted.
[thumbnail of DSC_0905FAG.jpg]
[thumbnail of updatedwillinternetseatbraingwgw.pdf]

Wylde, Gillian ORCID logoORCID: (2018) ?Will Internets eat brain? In: ReFrag #4 Cradle-to-Grave, 28 March -1 April 2018, Parsons Paris.
[thumbnail of installation photograph]
[thumbnail of 1. Try a New Position]

Wylde, Gillian ORCID logoORCID: (2018) Will Internets eated brain?? In: Artistic Research Will Eat Itself 9th SAR - International Conference on Artistic Research, April 11th 4pm - 13th 6pm 2018, University of Plymouth.
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[thumbnail of HELLO (1).pdf]

Wylde, Gillian ORCID logoORCID: (2018) "A as in Animal”. In: Multispecies Storytelling in Intermedial Practices, January 23-25th, 2019, Linnæus University, Sweden.
[thumbnail of full-multispecies-storytelling-page-001.jpg]
[thumbnail of Screen Shot 2019-11-01 at 10.14.21.png]

Wylde, Gillian ORCID logoORCID: and Chapman, Neil ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Diagramma Enflamma. [Artwork]
[thumbnail of Exhibition poster, David Burrows and Dean Kenning, 2015]
[thumbnail of wylded.jpg]

Wylde, Gillian ORCID logoORCID: and Chapman, Neil ORCID logoORCID: (2015) Enflamma Diagra. [Exhibition]
[thumbnail of Plague of Diagrams biographies]
[thumbnail of 'enflamma diagra' (2015)]

Wylde, Gillian ORCID logoORCID: and Olsen, Redell (2018) Verdant Scent. [Performance]
[thumbnail of Verdant Scent - screen shot]
[thumbnail of Verdant Scent - screen shot]


Yang, Fan (2015) A New Process for Creating Design Briefs to Improve Design Innovations in Home Health Care. Doctoral thesis, University of the Arts London in partnership with Falmouth University.
[thumbnail of Appendices]
[thumbnail of Final Thesis Copy_Fan Yang.pdf]


Zarb, Mark and Scott, Michael ORCID logoORCID: (2019) Laughter over Dread: Early Collaborative Problem Solving through an Extended Induction using Robots. In: ITiCSE 2019, the 24th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 15th-17th July 2019, Aberdeen.
[thumbnail of Laughter_over_Dread__Early_Collaborative_Problem_Solving_through_an_Extended_Induction_using_Robots.pdf]

Zhang, Daniel ORCID logoORCID:, Vidanes, Gerico, Toal, David, Keane, Andy, Gregory, Jon and Nunez, Marco (2023) Extending Point-Based Deep Learning Approaches for Better Semantic Segmentation in CAD. Computer-Aided Design, 166. ISSN 1879-2685
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Zhang, Anhong and Saunders, Rob (2014) Exploring Conceptual Space in Language Games Using Hedonic Functions. In: Fifth International Conference on Computational Creativity, 9th – 13th June 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
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Zioga, Polina, Pollick, Frank, Ma, Minhua ORCID logoORCID:, Chapman, Paul and Stefanov, Kristian (2018) “Enheduanna—A Manifesto of Falling” Live Brain-Computer Cinema Performance: Performer and Audience Participation, Cognition and Emotional Engagement Using Multi-Brain BCI Interaction. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1662-453X
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This list was generated on Tue Feb 11 06:08:25 2025 UTC.